
To be fair, Trump was, as far as I can tell, discriminating on the basis of political affiliation. I suspect he would have been more than happy to give an interview with “one of the good ones”, if any of even them worked for Fox, Newsmax, etc.

Perhaps it’s been going on for longer than you’ve been paying attention, but IMO you’ve got the order a bit backwards.

He wasn’t unarmed. A car is a weapon. He had both hands on the wheel as frequently pointed out by the families lawyer.

Disproportionate isn’t about My Body Count vs. Your Body Count. I have every right to prevent everybody on my side from being killed by an attacker if I can pull it off. Disproportionate is about the military benefit of the strike vs. the civilian cost, which is a fairly arbitrary calculation. If it takes out a C&C

Not entirely. Hamas is far more clearly an active current threat to Israel than the middle east has ever been to the U.S.

You’d think, but if the property actually was stolen during the Transjordan occupation the evictions probably aren’t a war crime, attempting to stop (alleged?) rioters isn’t a war crime, and if Israel actually was targeting Hamas targets, (as many have pointed out, we only have their word, afaik) the only war crime

I hadn’t actually noticed they were blaming him for the situation itself, but rather blaming certain democrats for being pro palestine this conflict and him, perhaps, for not being able to rein them in.

Nor does Israel have an infinite supply of interceptors, which take longer to make than rockets.

It does not. Even if the badguys are using human shields, it is still considered a warcrime to shoot the shields to get them.

You’re right. They can let themselves continue to be attacked by rockets until they run out of interceptors/wear and tear starts breaking down the systems, or whatever and they start taking massive casualties. Or they can attempt to stop the rocket attacks/implement blockades to prevent rocket resupply, etc. before

Just clarifying what the actual assignment/issue was, as this article was fairly misleading/incorrect.

the attraction also promises to tell “touching stories” during the tour.

Counterpoint for the sake of semantics.
Neither Covid nor the Flu are permanent. Last I checked Schizophrenia is incurable, so a patient with Schizophrenia will always be a patient with Schizophrenia, and thus, like it or not, it WILL always be a part of a person’s identity, even if well treated and under control. Howev

Border = near Record breaking influx of folks, particularly “unaccompanied” minors (that are becoming unaccompanied just outside the border via voluntary separation due to Biden’s policies), allegedly due to the immigrants belief in the democrats (eventual?) relaxed stance towards enforcement.

Yep. The only thing the Israelis are “guilty” of here is being able to (mostly) block Hamas’ punches (for now), so they can’t play the victim card as well as Hamas.

Seems like this would cause all kinds of nausea, as the players PoV, (at least in the game in question) isn’t really moving much at all. It’s floating along behind the truck all nice and serene.

This is why a mod that unlocks all relationships is so useful. As a guy I can avoid male shep and still romance all the ladies.  (Also why, IMO, good design would make the player characters sex irrelevant for all relationships)

Article about this on CNN has the actual assignment paper. The assignment is basically to argue for/against there being a retrial due to this witness... which is fine.

First party members: