
Ah, Gender reveal parties.

You’re wasting your time. The people on these boards somehow refuse to accept that shooting somebody literally in the process of attempting to stab somebody is valid defense of other. There is no way they are going to accept the notion that attempting to stop somebody from recklessly operating a (several?) thousand

Yeah, just looked at the linked video.

That’s literally all we’re asking for; to be treated the same as mass shooters. That’s it. All we want is for cops to extend the grace and care they seem to only reserve for white men who had “a very bad day” and decided to commit mass murder.

I mean, if you have a warrant, you know where he lives, so where the fuck you think he’s gonna go?

There’s some footage of her talking to an officer as they escort her to a police vehicle. IIRC She was basically just talking about how the other girl just came at her with the knife though.

Being highly accurate with a gun in time of stress is fairly difficult. Even shooting for “center mass” police officers miss way over 50% of the time. Shooting for a limb is basically just saying don’t even bother trying.

Presumably to blur the faces of minors and ensure similar privacy issues are taken care of (possibly also including obtaining permission from parents/guardians as is typical in these cases.)

A taser drops someone

Why not be a cowboy with his pepper-spray instead, spray the girl with the knife a few seconds earlier

Because, as near as I can tell, the crowd was mostly all members of her family cheering her on and/or assisting with the beatdown like the fine gentleman that kicked the prone woman in the face.

Yep, that’s one of the “fun facts” with tazers that are overlooked. The probes shoot out at an angle away from each other. And if they hit too close together not enough muscle gets “shocked” to incapacitate the target. Too far apart and one can miss. (and, of course, the wires themselves are of limited length.) Which,

An officer’s role is to protect and serve EVERYONE

While it’s amazing how assinine saying “blue lives matter” is in this scenario, (assuming the officer is aware the “valid defense” in this case was defense of other and not defense of self... as it’s possible the police grapevine muddled what actually happened just as much as, apparently the neighborhood grapevine is


1. Police accuracy when shooting center mass is already bad enough. (which is why those suggesting that the officer was in the wrong when the attacker and victim are so close together have a reasonable point, though the girl talking to police afterwards seems grateful for the intervention. Thankfully the officer had

I wasn’t aware cops had mastered the art of teleportation and would be able to close that distance fast enough to do what you suggest.

Like repeatedly shouting “Get Down!”?

and why Reardon already had his weapon drawn by the time we see the body cam seemingly get turned on.

I’ve yet to see any reliable information indicating the officer that shot wasn’t the first officer on the scene. There are no other officers visible in the body cam footage until after the shooting when one comes in view from behind the officer with the gun.