
Nothing described here seems that egregious?

I had a throttle, but I always used buttons for speed control anyways.

Each ship you fly in the game has a finite amount of energy that can be distributed across its systems. You can assign a degree of it to your weapons (affecting how quickly your lasers recharge after firing), your shields (affecting how quickly, if at all, your shields regenerate after taking a hit) and your engines

I just hope they don’t frack up the release of Lost Ark.

Well, that IS what it means here. M (Thousand) M(Thousand) = a thousand thousands, = 1 million.

Because one excuse has a proven track record of working, the other explanation has a proven track record of resulting in jail time.

Uh huh. And, like I said, those who have gotten off are the ones who emptied their clip and said they meant to shoot because they were in fear for their lives/others.

Wow, somebodies upset their pet theory is full of holes.

That and a place on the (non-existent) federal registry banning her from any future law enforcement jobs.

Nope. The BART officer who did approximately the same thing was convicted of the equivalent charge.

So, your argument is that she had this whole thing planned out and INTENDED to throw her career away and go to jail like all the other infamous officers who mistook their guns for a taser? Just for the shits and giggles of it?

Murder doesn’t always require intent to end someone’s life. You can be charged with murder if you did not intend to kill but you had the intent to commit harm.

Just let him go and get him another day

Warrants like the one issued for Duante for missed court appearances and and non payment of fines should just be banned all together.


Well, if you ignore the outstanding warrants for his arrest, then yeah. I’d imagine officers sorta consider those a pretty big deal though.
However HE was the one that decided to escalate when he decided that trying to run from the cops in a car was a better plan than letting them arrest him for them.

I always assumed the reason for that was because it was literally her fault. She was supposed to have had something on under the tear-away cup that she, for whatever reason (maybe she thought it would go over well?), neglected to put on.
The tearing away was obviously planned choreography. The outfit was expressly

I don’t know, I still blame Islam for Al-Jabr. The way it’s subtly infiltrating our schools and being taught to students in public schools is a travesty. It needs to be banned just like Dihydrogen monoxide.

Are all the police-issued tasers shaped like guns?

Lawyers are busy telling her the shut up. If she admits it she pretty much loses any possible defense other than throwing herself on the mercy of the court.