
Nah. I fully buy the “accidental shooting”. As hard as it may be to conceive of accidentally making that mistake it’s fairly clear from the recording that’s precisely what happened. But accidental shooting doesn’t mean she can’t still be convicted of Negligent Homicide. (or whatever the MN version of that is)

You should probably try to prevent your prejudices from causing you to jump to conclusions.

Possibly depends on the jurisdiction. 2nd degree murder you (typically) still meant to kill the person, it just wasn’t premeditated.

The car was registered as the mother called back to give The new registration information .

Well, the cops are arguing expired tags. Which is definitely a thing that can happen. I’ve been pulled over for expired tags. (Got a ticket, but IIRC as long as I renewed & paid late fee by court date it would be dismissed by the judge. That was in Illinois though, but I’d imagine the process is similar in MN.) They

Somebody posted this elsewhere in response to a different argument, but it has relevance here:

He was not being violent.

and there are extentions on ALL expirations from March 2020 till October 2021

Those are all also cases where the person meant (allegedly) to use a taser but instead used a gun. He’s talking about the opposite. Person intended to use a gun but instead accidentally used a taser.

That isn’t actually true. There is such a thing as a gun having too light a trigger (or other mechanical failure) causing the gun to go off w/o somebody actually pulling the trigger that would count as an “accidental” discharge.

Am I the only one who finds it somewhat amusing when the big news websites run an article about how the ME rules a death like this a homicide as if, well, it’s big news?

There is no such thing as accidentally murdering somebody.

“the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.”

In some defense to the idiot screaming about “knee on neck”, he was squatting down next to the guy with his knee *over* the guy, and looking at the world through a camera lens does get rid of your depth perception, so *maybe* it actually looked like his knee was actually on the guys neck from whatever angle that

Wow. Thanks for the alternate camera angle, Lot of people screaming about “knee on his neck”, but doesn’t even look like:

1. While the provided footage is jumping around/all over the place, there’s a very clear shot at 0:14 that shows the officer is resting his knee on the guys HEAD (even somewhat on the guys hat), not his neck (unless he’s wearing some sort of really long hat that goes all the way down to cover his neck), which last I

Heh, makes me wonder if paying more in check than what you’re buying as a way of getting cash is still a thing too. That’s how my mom got cash through most of my growing up... admittedly, that would have been in the 80's before ATM’s became commonplace. (Though for all I know, she still does it.)

1. He clearly wasn’t paying for sex, it was a “Gaetz Scholarship” to help some poor kids go to college. See? The memos says “School” or “Tuition”, they don’t say “Sex”.

You mean it wasn’t SUPPOSED to be like night time talk shows where you have the host in a chair, the current hotseat guest in a chair, and the rest of the guests on a sofa?
