
I must admit. I find it somewhat mind boggling that Trump’s chosen moniker of “chinese flu” is blamed for the rise in anti asian violence. Apparently somehow nobody would know the hows and whys of it’s apparent origin in China if he had used some other term?

Strictly speaking, AFAIK the science isn’t actually there yet to indicate that getting vaccinated actually prevents you from becoming infected and acting as a vector, we only know it prevents symptomatic disease. (Though studies are beginning to suggest that they probably do) So currently getting vaccinated is mostly

Or learn how to fly a jet. AFAIK he’s a helicopter pilot. I’m pretty sure their isn’t a whole lot of overlap between the two.

Maybe I haven’t watched the bit, but not sure I understand the humor in the fact that eating dog has historically (and probably still is) far more culturally acceptable in other parts of the world, including many Asian cultures. Big Frackin’ Deal.

Does the “Mass Produced” nature really matter? Are mass produced plastic replicas of the Venus de Milo suddenly offensive?

Yep. It’s probably cliche, but the husband is almost always the first suspect any time a woman gets shot.

To point out:

Yes it does. It adds timeline. IIRC the drug the ME said he had a potentially lethal level of typically takes at least 15 minutes to kick in from the time of ingestion. A lot of people have suggested he couldn’t have died from an overdose of it because he wasn’t showing any signs of being under it’s effect while he

Depends if they can make the claim they were different drugs.

Canada went from $50 games in the late 360 era (2011) to $90 games by 2014. For a lot of gamers in Canada, Oceania, and other nominally developed countries, gaming is more expensive now than ever.

That’s the thing about all of this: Even though companies won’t admit it, in making decisions like that, in having these sorts of positions in the first place, what they’re saying is that they’re often skirting the edge of what is allowed or legal.

Why is this account worth less to English-language American media than the alleged killer’s own account?

I never claimed if you “do everything right” you will be 100% safe. Police interactions are dangerous. I *am* saying if you do break those rules your chance of getting shot goes WAY the heck up. And in most cases, those rules WERE actually broken...

At a guess?

Uhm, no.

Why bother? The only reason for fancy suits/watches/haircuts/cars/whatever is to brag about how much money you can spend on useless stuff so people think you’ve got a ton of money. (and potentially rub it into other peoples faces.) When everybody already knows you have tons of money, (and you aren’t a dick) why bother

Why bother? The only reason for fancy suits/watches/haircuts/cars/whatever is to brag about how much money you can spend on useless stuff so people think you’ve got a ton of money. (and potentially rub it into other peoples faces.) When everybody already knows you have tons of money, (and you aren’t a dick) why bother

Unfortunately, in this case they don’t really need to dig too deep. They still have the pretty obvious “He died from an overdose” card. (Which, arguably, still aligns with “wrongful death”. Whether or not the officer put sufficient force on Floyds neck/chest to cause his death, or whether it was due to the potentially

3/7 = 42% black

Why? One of the reasons it is far less risky/easier to accomplish is it would be virtually impossible to detect if the person committing the fraud has even half a brain, which is a key requirement for any sort of successful fraud.