
Hot take:

mail-in voting is somehow less secure without providing evidence why

1. All humans are technically animals.

It’s a pity locking folks up in pillories in the public square is no longer a legitimate form of punishment.

IIRC varies from 16-18 from state to state, with some younger exceptions for R&J laws. (And I believe being an internet exchange it would be based on whichever state the victim lives in, but not sure.) Nude images of folks younger than 18 are child porn though. (There *may* be R&J laws there too now though after some

I’d be VERY curious if the kid actually used the term groom, or if that’s just a media interpretation of the allegations.

Doesn’t have squat to do with capitalism. It’s simply the way the founders set up the government. Local matters are under local control. Towns/Cities/States can 100% do a Moratorium like this. It’s simply outside the scope of the powers the founders (a.k.a. the constitution) gave the federal government.


Should also be pointed out that the dude seems to have had his right ear chopped off. (towards the end of the clip he’s looking a little bit too straight at the camera, and obviously, there is no data for the right side, so it just... ends)

Eh, don’t really like it, but Judge probably got it right.

Thing is the government is designed such that you typically need more than just a bare majority to get any real changes made.

was charged with 24 counts of criminal misconduct on Thursday, according to the Washington Post. Among the charges were “20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, a single count of first-degree sexual assault and one count each of second-degree sexual assault, racketeering and lying to a police officer,” the Pos

So... You’re against the death penalty because it’s too lenient?

Came here for this exact comment.

while their mobile home lacked heat following a power loss early Monday morning


When we Floridians get a freeze warning, we take a minute to turn off the water coming to the house. Saves a lot of trouble.

Hot take:

Nope. Sony is that same 30% on DLC. (Note: I don’t think I’ve ever seen an in-game purchase on a Sony game though. I’ve always had to buy it as “DLC” through the store. (Even if it’s a premium currency bundle that you can then spend in game)
