
Then, of course, there are those who sympathized with Al all along. It was never his fault he killed the kid, it was the fault of the kids parents for letting him play with a realistic looking gun. (Which, at the time, pretty much describes all toy guns. The entire reason super soakers look so absurd was kids getting

or providing resources and programs for single mothers who they are trying to force into having a child

Are we really surprised that he’s also guilty of dereliction of duty (and using his family as a shield)?

Hot take (maybe?)

In some fairness...

Maybe it’s just me, but...

Trump, big asshole as he is, became the most powerful man on Earth for 4 years.

They also said that because of the way their rules are, they have to make the trial a priority, meaning they wouldn’t be able to get other things done. Personally I hate that it seems to work that way. I think we need both accountability for Trump as well as getting some policies in place.

Problem with that argument is that this wasn’t the actual trial. The real trial (should be) happening next, assuming Biden doesn’t go party over country and reign in the DOJ to protect the democrats.

If it helps... By the next presidential election, Trump will either be dead or up to his eyeballs in legal doo-doo.

Hot take:

That was back when he was only being charged with 3rd degree murder though. Which would presumably be easier to prove.

Well, if you’se gonna fake dem black fellers votin’ ya gotta remember dey only count for 3/5ths.

They believed the election was stolen without evidence

Doubt it. Otherwise some secessionist state would have merely charged and convicted Lincoln with some bogus crime to keep him out of office. (Or, Today, some super red state doing the same to Biden)

Not sure what the point is of the Cell Phone data showing a lot of people at the Rally were at the Capitol.


I think part of the problem is that the devs, or at least the writer, thought the hardest ending to get WAS the total victory scenario... and maybe even 10 years before the game came out it would have been. Free upgrade to the $6 million dollar man for everybody? Who wouldn’t want THAT? But more recent notions of

Don’t look at me.