
Sure. I’m just pointing out you gave a REALLY bad example.

Speaking of biases.

Well, there’s also the fact that an unsolved mystery sells far more copy than “killed by stepfather”.

See, the thing is the historical problem with eugenics isn’t the concept, but rather who gets to apply it. E.g. White folk deciding black folk are inferior and shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

Doesn’t necessarily mean he finished his training, for all we know he washed out of the diver program and that’s why he left the Navy.

Nah, the (earlier?) suspect fled on foot, so if he was driving a car he wouldn’t match the description.

There also is no word as to whether or not Jackson was the person police were initially looking for. In a statement

Maybe, maybe not. Being part of the college swim team is completely irrelevant. Being able to swim the 50 meter backstroke in 20 seconds (or whatever) isn’t going to indicate whether you have the knowledge/training to search the bottom of a lake for a gun or corpse or whatever a police departments dive team does.

“Black police officers who take an oath to protect the life and liberty of their communities far too often are muted, voiceless, subjugated and marginalized if they courageously speak their truth,” Columbus City Councilwoman Shayla Favor told CNN.

Nah, it’s still only a knife. Everybody knows guns are the only way one person can kill another, so as soon as we illegalize all guns nobody will ever be able to kill anybody else ever again.

Until they overturn the 2nd and implement substantial gun control legislation, officers having a gun will ALWAYS be necessary in the U.S. An officer without a gun is a joke in a society where the average number of guns per person is > 1. Reason officers assume that anything a suspect is pulling out of his pockets is a

He had a knife. They had GUNS. Isn’t there a saying about that, specifically referencing how the person with a knife is at a disadvantage?

They assumed, (and IMO rightly so, though perhaps the law doesn’t agree) that as long as they bet on themselves, without any sort of point spread or any other sort of shenanigans, they weren’t doing anything wrong/sketchy, so there was no reason for them to jump through hoops to hide what they were doing.

It could also mean the evidence is so overwhelmingly in his favor there’s no risk to him to toss the protesters this bone.

Well, *allegedly* he was attempting to stop the truck w/o jacknifing it, he wasn’t simply “driving through”... And there is ZERO chance he didn’t, in fact, stop the truck himself eventually. Ain’t no way a crowd of any size is stopping a semi that doesn’t want to be stopped without a whole lot of people getting

The problem is both those charges also require proving “causes the death” beyond a reasonable doubt, which people seem to overlook isn’t actually a given.

Yeah, ‘cause you always want to search a place when the dangerous suspect is there and able to defend it/hide the evidence. Instead of when they, you know, aren’t.

For some reason I can’t help thinking the lights going out was an ambush/trap to provoke an over-reaction from the police. Which was (obviously) successful.

I have a real hard time feeling sympathetic for people who somehow thought investing with some random twitch “Celebrity”, (3600 followers, really?) was a good idea.