
Problem is, in the U.S. Gun culture means most of those ne’erdowells and drunk arseholess in pubs have guns. so the beatcop armed with just a truncheon would likely find himself outarmed. It’s much easier to have an unarmed police force when you have a mostly unarmed population.

Kneeling on someones upper back and neck not to the point where their airway is or is not constricted (if you believe the autopsy, there arent signs of it) does not cause a drug overdose and heart attack. Do we agree on that?

Correction: He had a fatal level of Fentanyl in his system, but the ME specifically said he COULDN’T say that that is what actually killed him. (though it should, perhaps, be noticed that he ALSO never said it wasn’t.) It’s entirely possible the officer managed to beat the Fentanyl to the punch. It’s also possible

I don’t know, how about continuing to kneel on the guys neck for minutes after a trained colleague indicates he has no pulse instead of, you know, getting off. (If not actually rendering first aid.) The Fentanyl might have killed him (and almost certainly would have, eventually, without medical intervention... which

You are literally peeking into someone’s house.

Sure it does.

Now you made me have to google it.

Heh. That’s pretty much what I was thinking. Maybe he should have stayed in jail.

Eh. Seems to me that If he has it, it’ll become either very obvious during the course of any hearings over the next few weeks, or a non issue during the course of the hearings.

“We have consistently heard that some members of law enforcement use this charge as a weapon when people don’t immediately respond to their commands, or if they ask too many questions before complying, or simply if they make an encounter more difficult for the officer,” Ayala told reporters.

Why would they feel the need to mention it to you? It’s a known thing. Most actions in schools are recorded. Positive or Negative. Your grades (good or bad) are also in your “permanent records”.

Disagree. Under different circumstances what he did should be of concern. Say he was in the middle of a disagreement with a classmate and he reaches down, picks up what looks like a gun, and puts it on his desk.

So, wait. He’s (barring lawsuits etc.) going to have a suspension on his permanent record over a technicality? He can’t get the suspension off his record unless he appeals the original expulsion, but he can’t appeal the expulsion because he wasn’t actually expelled?

From what I understand the 11,000 lines of “code” IS just the API. Structure definitions, function names & signatures, etc. The actual implementation of everything was (supposedly) reverse engineered by Google.

im still of the unpopular notion that art should be free.

An API isn’t code.

Uhm, Rep. Ilhan Omar?

You just better hope he doesn’t happen to have a mild case and that, even with the best healthcare any amount of money can buy, he nearly dies. (or actually does)

Now? Yes, that’s what I’m saying. Gender WAS “scientific” (e.g. based on biological differences) up until ~50 years ago, and was the equivalent of “sex” until feminists (I believe?) pushed forth a societal based redefinition of it when they evolved the entire concept of gender. Until then the two words were

Tired of people intentionally conflating the scientific (a.k.a. actual) definition of “gender” with the progressive redefinition of “gender”. When, really, they SHOULD be smart enough to understand there’s a difference, and which one is probably meant in any particular circumstance.