
Maybe. Until the marketplace becomes fractured into hundreds or thousands of different stores. And apple stops/reduces developer support to cut costs.

What else are they going to buy, Microsoft phone? Unless I’ve somehow missed it, little tidbit that keeps being overlooked is Epic pulled the same thing with Google, and Google responded in the exact same fashion.

Because you are so myopically focused on skin color and the assumption of injustice that you still somehow fail to recognize the facts I’ve already pointed out to you.

So, what you’re saying is that the efficacy of a crime should be a bigger factor in terms of the charges than the nature of the devices used?


I expect in most cases the rest of the apples likely can’t believe that the bad apples are actually bad. They’ve worked with them for years, and the apple is a great apple. The poor apple most have just lost control of its emotions in a highly charged atmosphere and thus they have no reason to believe the same thing

Problem is...

technically unlawful

That is a Very Bad Tweet

Thank you. So the long story short is about what I expected. Only the non-copyrightable “generic real world tactical shooterstuff is similar, everything else is pretty darn different. (The side by side character select is extremely telling that Ubi claims is the same. When clearly one game is a single grid showing ei

Hmm, you are correct, I haven’t played this.  But THAT would have been an important thing to point out in the article, not the completely senseless 1/2 of a menu comparison.

Yeah, the menu also doesn’t list the pizza box surcharge of $100.

I’m not arguing against it’s profitability. I’m arguing against calling it an IP and (trying) to claim protection as such. Iron Man, for instance, is an actual IP. He’s a distinguishing character. He enjoys IP protections. No such thing in Siege, it is a popular franchise, sure. But other than it’s name/logo, (Which

Too late to edit, and best case, the idea of the genre, would be considered a design patent. Which, (assuming they filed for one and it was approved) would have lasted for 14 years. Rainbow six originally came out in ‘98. Any such patent would have expired quite some time ago.

Uh huh. And I strongly suspect it’s the “everything in between” they’re most concerned about. A.k.a. the realistic tactical shooter part. There’s only so many ways to do a character select screen and a list of stats.

Sure, but that’s like saying nobody else can make a football game because Tecmo (or whomever) created the first video football game. It’s essentially a as true as possible recreation of real world activities. Unlike, say, overwatch, or Apex Legends, or, similar. Games that actually added character.

Ubisoft explains in their complaint that R6 Siege is one of their most “valuable intellectual properties”

Military personnel expect to be under attack. Police do not. It’s the surprise that’s the problem. Police don’t actually have all that much firearm training. Most officers never use their guns except to put down road kill. Again, for those in the back, It’s the surprise that’s the problem. You do NOT want to trigger a

“We know that this period of distancing will end and when it does, our crew will be in our stores to help you find your next favorite product, just as they’ve always been.”

Where you watching the same clip I was? She immediately got the hint and did start getting off him right at the tap. She apparently just wasn’t moving fast enough for Mom. It’s only when Mom started tugging that she started trying to resist at all. Which is relatively normal behavior. People generally don’t like being