
Another future CTE victim who couldn’t afford to say no.

Alrighty, I’ll play. Which rules are the folks in that 3rd pic breaking? They’re protesting laws they don’t like closing businesses and the like. They aren’t (as far as we know) breaking any laws. Social distancing is just a guideline.

it is always the American government’s position to say, in the choice between the loss of our way of life as Americans and the loss of life, of American lives, we have to always choose the latter.

If this is anything like the plague event SWTOR (used to?) do, most of the players were spending most of their time running around and griefing as many other people as possible.


He wasn’t hurting anyone.

How do you know they didn’t? (that said, odds are they don’t exactly have a bunch, supplies ARE, I believe, stretched thin.)


It’s almost like they’re a company, not a charity. I’m mostly surprised that they are only just now doing this.

Except her request was flagrantly absurd, so was of course disregarded as it clearly had (and has) no basis on anything approaching the states actual imminent needs. Heck, they don’t even have 6k total cases, much less anywhere near 10k cases requiring ventilators in the near future. And sure, he may have asked for

Your “counter argument” is missing an actual, well, counter argument. Where’s your evidence, any evidence, that her request for TEN THOUSAND ventilators wasn’t a panicked “Omg, Omg, Omg, we need a massive local stockpile in case things hit the fan”, that was rightfully ignored, (if not laughed at) and was instead a

Actually, studies show that harsher penalties ARE an increased deterrent, as long as there is a high chance of having to face those penalties. And, of course, increased chances of having to face those penalties is, as you do correctly point out, also an increased deterrent.  Something that is also dramatically increase

I’m not entirely sure on what grounds you’d sue. They aren’t technically forcing you to go back to school, and the people there are (probably) technically adults. So if they do return in spite of the obvious risk it’s arguably their own stupidity at work.

licked multiple pieces of jewelry from the store and put them on her hands before filling her shopping cart with items from the store.

And they think that makes it okay.

With multiple documented paper trails of Lori and Mossimo building fraudulent documentation for their daughters participating in sports they never played

So, to recap:

As I understand it, the issue being decided by the court, (whether to accept absentee ballots past the deadline) wouldn’t be of much help if you never got the ballot anyways. So you’d be just S.O.L. regardless.

You’re confusing rational with moral.

That’s starting with the unwarranted assumption it’s an irrational act.