
“Staying at home” is entirely about being in contact with as few other people as possible. So you don’t infect them, they don’t infect you. The actual geography is irrelevant. You can do that just as easily in said lake home as in downtown Chicago. Easier, in fact, as you won’t be restricted to a handful of 5 foot

From what I understand, the reasoning is:

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

For the Love of God: Rev. Al Sharpton Urges Religious Leaders to Take Easter and Holy Week Services Online

They said “Stay at home”. They didn’t specify which home. And my experience with said lake homes are they’re fairly spread apart. Moving to a substantially less dense area to do your “Stay at home” where you can still go out and enjoy nice nature walks without any danger of running into anybody seems like a sensible


That the city’s brightest idea is to introduce cash penalties during an unemployment crisis seems wildly out of touch.

I’d argue opening them up so people who chose not to purchase can now do so destroys most of the point of health insurance.

Can be, sure.  But pro-bball is much higher stakes with a higher expected level of play.

So wait... if I go ahead and let them cut it I get free pizza for a year?

All these results do is support the idea of further study.

They DO know even cruise ships rock, right?  A motion imperceptible to humans is still going to throw off that 3 pointer.

Stop spreading misinformation. There were traces of it’s RNA 17 days later in cabins intentionally left uncleaned. The virus itself was no longer present.

Well, if you need incentive to stay the frack home, at least for the very short term....

(As a new smoker who would throw her laptop out her window for just one puff of a cucumber pod right now, I can say that at least in the latter case there...may be some truth to that.)

Hot water isn’t a “privilege”. It’s a myth. A wasteful and unnecessary one that it’s high time was put behind us.

I have to wonder about that supposition. If the migrant workers did drop service in one area, would at least some of them re-subscribe in their home area?

Considering the location of the bulletpoint, it’s arguable it’s precisely the same concept. Ignoring (or changing) the “nonessential” order to keep ‘em open for police and other security personnel.

Sawed off shotgun solves the problem of “Range Time”. (and less likely to penetrate walls by very much)