
We’re gonna get through this, and we’re going to be a much stronger community when we do get through this

In some attempt at being fair, w/o knowing a breakdown of where the cases are in AL, it’s hard to say whether or not a statewide shelter in place is warranted (yet.)

The “and jobs” places certainly aren’t.

It’s probable your jumping to conclusions, per Bloomberg:

The information your looking for simply isn’t there.

Guess we’re going to see if folks do the sensible thing and spread out more while continuing to work remotely to some extent after the virus is no longer a concern, or whether they’ll continue to live in high density urban areas for the next virus to try to take out.

Unless the new owners bulldozed it (Which they didn’t) not really. Use some of that national emergency money and buy it back. The new owners don’t yet have the plant up and running on building their E.V.’s yet, (and they certainly aren’t going to be doing much else with it now) so it’s probably fairly well positioned

The virus won’t magically get less virulent or deadly after three weeks.

While I don’t really wish ill of anybody, I think it’d be mighty... interesting... if Prince Charles, Prince William, and his children all succumbed to Covid-19, and Britons found themselves looking full in the face of Meghan as their next Queen.

Not really. People keep doing dumb shit like congregating at the park, the virus keeps finding new hosts and circulating, and I’m stuck in my house longer, meaning more times I need to get supplies while the pandemic is going on, with each incident exposing me to risk. And, of course, not being a selfish asshole one

I vote the police just start shooting the idiots congregating outside in self defense/stopping those engaging in a biological terrorist attack/stopping those commiting treason by aiding and abetting the enemy.

Uhm... the bill under discussion hasn’t even been voted on in the house, AFAIK. It’s a bit too early to say something isn’t in it as you haven’t seen it happen yet.

Sure, but I’m under the impression EVERYTHING is down, even those non volatile, low risk stocks. History says that sooner or later it’ll recover, so if you can avoid having to sell stocks until then, great. The market drop is a non-issue. But if you have to sell the stocks to make rent, you’re stuck selling at that

It should be pointed out, according to CNN there are also protections against foreclosures and evictions, and student loan payments are suspended until September.

Well, some may be living off 401k & other investments... which likely aren’t doing so well at the moment.

No, but the extra $600 per week unemployment might.

RE: point 2. Do you need insurance, or just a very high probability? Had we been taking this route, we could have easily infected several thousand people (maybe even tens of thousands) when the first community case was diagnosed, who would almost certainly recover before the “natural” cases got anywhere near big

Uhm, he actually said it in his post. We are ALL going to get this. Your entire argument is essentially based, whether you explicitly said it or not, on the assumption that most of us won’t. Most of what you said is irrelevant, (particularly the loss of senses bit) as discouragement if you’re going to get it anyways,

To be fair, when the very first (known) community spread incident hit the U.S. and asymptomatic transmission was clearly confirmed, my immediate thought was:

He had serious intelligence in January yet did nothing.