
15 is even less statistically significant than the 40 given it in the French study...

considering that even in moments of global crisis, unwanted pregnancies don’t stop.

Tell that to the woman who took it with her husband, who said explicitly that they did it because Trump said it was OK.

Why would you think the juror wouldn’t be visible to the rest of the figures of the court? He could be as easily held in contempt from wherever he’s teleconferencing in from as he could be in the courtroom.

In the U.S.? Apparently they aren’t getting it w/o a prescription. The people who died took something that happened to have “chloroquine” in the name, but wasn’t the actual drug. It was “chloroquine phosphate, an additive often used to clean fish tanks”. (As for the folks in Nigeria? I assume less strict controls on

Interesting, this article didn’t mention he had said that, but even still, I’m under the impression that it is already an FDA approved drug (albeit for Lupus). We already know how dangerous it is, side effects, safe dosage, and all that. It’s just not specifically proven (outside of anecdotal evidence and lab tests) to

AFAIK, it’s not a lie though, it’s accurate. There have been some good results, but nothing has yet been proven via study. Hence, potentially. (Though said studies are now starting.) That said, self medicating like this is pretty much never going to end well. (especially when you, apparently, use the wrong bloody

I’d argue all you need is some number of witnesses with the defendant to eliminate any significant concern of deep faked trials. Heck, the individual “terminals” of the trial could still be open to the public.

Interesting, but I’m still completely unconvinced. The first article merely points out flaws in the implementation, (bad mics, really?) not the concept. The second article doesn’t touch on the issue at all. Didn’t have time to watch/listen to the contents of the 3rd link, (and doesn’t appear, on the surface, to have

Poster 1: What’s wrong with teleconferencing.

A relative of mine actually works for a die making company, and I actually just heard through the family grapevine that they’re being kept open in spite of the regional ‘lockdown” specifically to help make dies for ventilators. (Which is of some concern to the family, as said relative is immune compromised.)

Uhm, yes. The part you quote is specifically in relation to pausing court proceedings entirely in times of emergency, which nobody is arguing about here, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with the matter under discussion in this comment thread, “trial via video conference”. In fact the article specifically segues, “Re

I did, and the fact still remains that this particular comment thread is specifically about trial via video conference, which you seem to have somehow failed to grasp in spite of it being pointed out to you.

And how does trial by video conference mean they aren’t public? They could be broadcast on T.V.

That has nothing to do with trial by video conference, which is what is under discussion, so perhaps I’m not the one with the issue.

Why is it bad without their consent? How are rights stripped when the exact same thing happens, except over zoom (or whatever) with all people still present, visible, and audible. Just not in physical proximity?


That’s true, but California’s kind of the poster child for it in part because their housing stock has been falling further and further behind their population increase for a couple of human generations, especially in the large coastal urban areas.

But if there’s any message that the experts—the immunologists and geneticists and epidemiologists—are committed to communicating to us, it’s that COVID-19 is so deadly because our immune systems just haven’t seen this before

If it makes you feel any better, everything I’ve read is that COVID-19 is far less lethal than the Spanish flu. (Mainly because most think the 2.5% “CFR” for the Spanish flue is really an error in terminology, and they mean Mortality Rate, as the estimated numbers of 50-100 million dead, and 500 million around 10-20%,