
So he should be called out on that, not one of the times when he was actually correct. Unless they like contributing to the notion of “fake news”.

Yeah. ‘cause when I think “work from home office supplies”, I think GameStop.

My guess? Temporary staff reduction.  They’re will still have their PTO when work resumes, unless they quit prior to that.

Captain Obvious says it’s about testing people who have been in contact with people who have it. (or are suspected of having it)

As some have pointed out elsewhere, they can largely compensate on the flipside via taxes.

Eh? I’m under the impression that’s about right, percentagewise. And of the ones that are severely ill, (which is basically the known cases sans blanket testing) only a fraction will become critically ill?

require a social security number for purposes of the child tax credit,

Is it really lost revenue, or is it delayed revenue? (at this point) The season normally runs from (according to quick google, I don’t follow basketball (or any other sport)), from October to June. Which presumably means they can delay it by 3 months or so before it starts overlapping itself, and they actually have to

Those poll results could be largely based on the fact that democrats tend to be in the densely populated urban areas where chance of infection is likely far higher than the less populated suburban/rural areas where the republicans tend to be concentrated.

So, the TLDR is that people who decided to have kids they can’t afford are all going to die*. Because even though schools are closed to prevent transmission, they have to send their kids to areas of mass congregation to get lunch. Where it’ll naturally jump from asymptomatic kid to asymptomatic kid, and back to their

It should be pointed out though, this $1k would be in addition to whatever unemployment you would be getting for being laid off.

IIRC the bay area has issued a moratorium on evictions, so at least there is that.

Based on known facts:

Yeah yeah yeah, fancy light emitting swords.

“Fun” fact. (‘Cause nothing about this is really fun) If the statistics coming out of S. Korea and the areas of China outside Wuhan, (i.e. pretty much the only areas in the world where testing is so pervasive that even minor cases are being counted) Trumps hunch of how off far off the WHO’s “raw” fatality rate is is

Some thoughts:

1. Do you really think it matters? To what extent do you think his diahetweeting will stop if he tests positive?

I’m under the impression one of the primary reasons it failed was the graphics were overambitious for the engine, which is to say, it ran like garbage on most peoples machines. (Not really a fan of the “badly optimized” catchall people use. It could have been extremely well optimized, but simply trying to render too

Hard to claim ignorance if he was literally joking about it. Ignorance may be a defense, but I doubt stupidity/being an asshole is.