
Listen, I get it. When shit goes bad, you stock up. But again, I’ve been confused by the items that are being stocked up. Like, the stocking up of toilet paper would make me happy—it means that some of the nasty motherfuckers not washing their hands (see #1) are at least wiping their asses—except that nobody is out

Uh huh. The fact you mention murder or suicide, and neglect accident, (a.k.a. natural way) is precisely why you should read up on it.

Makes me wonder what sort of legal liability he’s looking at for behavior like that. Lawsuits from any of his teammates/the media who end up infected seems entirely likely.

Well, shouldn’t actually be a prime box. Annoying part, if true, is that I was home all day. (WFH and all) They could have just rang the door bell/knocked to let me know it was here.

Not entirely sure where you’re going with the first country of asylum definition. That’s (in my opinion?) basically “protection” for the member states saying refugees can’t pick and choose which country they request asylum from, but have to request asylum from the first “safe” country they enter after leaving their

I think you’re reading your own beliefs into his statement. He’s pretty clearly saying the media is gleefully “seeing” a stumble where there isn’t actually one.

Read up on Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Never EVER run your car in the garage for longer than it takes to drive in/out.

Was she in the drive way or was she in the garage?  The latter wouldn’t be particularly suspicious at all.  Happens way too often.  It can take only a few minutes for lethal levels of carbon monoxide to accumulate running your car in the garage.

She was in the garage with the engine running, and first responders noticed excessive levels of carbon monoxide when they entered?

hundreds of rolls of toilet paper you apparently bought on Amazon because I can’t get any and I’m down to one roll!

And no idea what people who work in cafes, bars, restaurants and other such businesses (and in their supply chains) will do. Just go unpaid and hope their business still exist afterwards I suppose.

Keeping coming into the office?

Guess it depends on how massive is massive when you’re describing those screens. Where I worked everybody who needed to simply took their screens home with them. (My monitors at home were sufficient in size so I simply just plugged my work computer into unused inputs)

The same agency reports that the CDC also says that black women are three to four more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications but does Sean Kemp panic every time a woman gets pregnant? No.

They didn’t designate it an international terrorist organization. They designated it a foreign one. And that simply isn’t correct. They do mean different things, in spite of what the government is trying to do here.

“Hi, U.S. Embassy? I’d like to apply for refugee status and referral to U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to protect me from my government”.


Yeah, but that’s like saying McDonald’s is a foreign company because it has spread to have restaurants in other countries.

Privacy? (A.k.a. 4th amendment?)  (So, more about the right to not get caught being involved than the right to be involved.)

I think it’s a combination of getting old and OCD. If my hands aren’t still slightly damp on the way back to wherever after using the bathroom I’m always like “wait, did I remember to wash them” (the answer is almost certainly yes) and have to go back and wash them again. (and I really don’t get people that use like 2