
1-4 are basically the same thing. She gets paid by PATH. They only differ in whether they are forced to (3&4) or do so voluntarily (1&2) and I see no reason to believe the author actually cares which. Just like if the author had simply said “I hope she makes bank

The guy is aware there’s this cool thing called “T.V.” and that full stadium or not ~99.5% of the fans will be watching the same way they always watch, right?

You’re related to George Washington too?

Really? The entire article is about how she’s suing for race/sex discrimination and retaliation, and is obviously 100% on her side. It ends with “I hope they <probably newly coined idiom> and stop messing with black women’s money.”

Sure. But if she said she was ready for school but was only wearing her underwear, would you send her off dressed that way? Or do you have modesty standards you require her to adhere to?

Yeah, but her name was provided in the article. The name of her first line supervisor, or HR rep, or director weren’t. Simply trying to find out who they were would likely require a search that would result in learning the above information about the woman.

It obviously means they should kill her and bury her in a bag out in the woods so cadaver dogs can’t find the body so her lawsuit goes away.

On the flip side, China is making the consumption of wild animals illegal, so it would seem THEY believe the wet market had something to do with it.

Seems like an even better solution would be to not get drunk, which is my preferred option. Guns aren’t the only stupid way to do yourself harm. You’re basically saying “I’m worried about blowing up my car while refueling it while smoking, so I don’t drive”.

I don’t pretend to know that much about guns... Only ones I’ve ever fired were single shot breech loading at camp...

Me, I’ll go with what the Venezuelan people want.

The noose incident happened 5 years ago.  Seems doubtful the person responsible even still worked there, much less was one of the victims.

Unfortunately, you’re right. It doesn’t work like that. They (at least emergency room stuff) get care regardless and if they can’t pay that cost gets foisted onto all the responsible people who are paying all along. I’m saying if it DID work like that I’d be fine with it.

Lots of folks don’t want to have to pay for health care they don’t feel they need. Which is essentially what the individual mandate does.

I can’t help but wonder if there are any signs he really hated the place he worked for, and/or there are indications he already had another job lined up.

When I asked Berning why the support ended once an abortion was no longer possible and raised the incredibly high costs of being a new parent

And even Warren would be breaking a record for oldest first term president.

So, does Dianne Feinstein work for you?

But I was curious, given that coronavirus is all over the news and all anyone can seem to talk about in recent days, how CPAC attendees are squaring their love for Donald Trump with the reality of Trump’s bungling of the response to coronavirus so far.

Eh, at this point the odds are likely we’re all going to be exposed sooner or later anyways.