It looks like she’s preparing to sing about the color of the wind.
It looks like she’s preparing to sing about the color of the wind.
The first picture seriously looks like she barfed up spinach lasagna all over herself. After having her arms amputated.
I am 60 years old. In case it helps, I’m going to tell you what I know.
The fact she’s a POC doesn’t change that she’s also a POS.
Roy Moore has agreed to come to Kentucky to stump for Davis at the local mall.
David Duke is conflicted. On one hand recognizing Jerusalem pisses off all the Palestinians and Muslims, yet on the other hand it makes Jews happy.
“This is not the same as eating a big slice of cheesy pizza every day.” Stewart added, “No one’s saying you should definitely go out an eat 40 grams of cheese a day. But on the upside, a bit of cheese on a cracker doesn’t sound unreasonable.”
Maybe you’ll wanna give me quesos sweet,
But only for one bite and no repeats.
And maybe you’ll take away that fat and salt,
And a taste of cheese is worse than none at all.
Cheese is good. I will fight you.
Flynn is obviously the wicked witch of the west
Nooo, it’s Mueller! I’ve been calling him Sam the Eagle from the day we met him. Square jaw, square head, downturned beak and mouth.
Oh so now the majority of the homeless population are “crazed” and raving around the streets like the Walking Dead? No. I’ve lived in San Francisco for 30 years and treat a lot of those people in the ER. There are a myriad of different reasons for their alarming outbursts. Everything from psychosis like…
I’d check to make sure all her vaccinations were up to date as well, if it’s all the same.
I agree with your assessment of this person in general but agree with Jane’s advice. If you are truly repentant and cheated once (not multiple times), don’t tell them. The cheater should feel guilty and like shit, but not dump shit feelings on another.
I honesty don’t get how anyone can sit through her show. Awful woman. Add to that the constant clucking of her tongue makes me homicidal.
Duck measuring sounds quackers.
“I honestly think he’s a great supporting actor.”
Let it be known that if the state of Florida should ever reject me, please someone just shoot me and put me out of my misery because that is rock fucking bottom right there.
The flipside to this issue is that women consented to this gross living arrangement.
I was thinking about his civil rights activism. To me, it seems that it all worked to serve men. He fought for sexual freedom (for men to freely enjoy women), he fought for women to get the pill (so that pregnancies wouldn’t hinder men’s sexual activities with women and men wouldn’t have to worry about being…