
Is there any proof that Trump was not being checked out by aliens at Walter Reid? A tentacle up the butt? If so, I sincerely hope they do not judge the health, sanity, morality and intelligence of humankind by what they find in the bodily fluids of the ‘leader of the free world.’

This worthless piece of shit ghost written crap doesn’t fall far from the best selling creative fictional art of acting like a vile, racist mobster tree.

Me too. Frustrating isn’t it?

Please ..... he went into court today clutching a bible. Next time he will be in a wheelchair pleading ill health. I know this is not nice but I sincerely hope Bubba gets a long look at Stone’s tattoo of Nixon while putting the capper on his life’s work as an admitted Trysexual.

Guilfoyle is the mother he never had. She even referred to herself as his mamacita in a spectacularly cringeworthy The View moment. I am surprised she is so openly patronizing to her ‘Trump dynasty’ investment: obviously Jr doesn’t have the brains to see past the tits and trout pout. Finally he has himself the sort

I know this is a vapid comment but I looked at this shot while wearing my readers and man, does she ever look worn. And utterly bone deep miserable. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.

At a mid-August fundraiser in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Ivanka Trump was asked to name the personality traits she inherited most from her parents. Without much of a pause, Trump told the crowd of roughly 120 high-end donors that her mother gave her an example of how to be a powerful, successful woman. And her father? He

Not if Kanye has anything to do with it. Jesus Christ.

A perfect example of why Trump says he loves stupid people. Good old white boys who think they lose rights because people who scare them win some. Someone should tell them it’s not fucking pie.

But at least the boys get decent air. Don’t forget, at his age that whole area is constantly on high alert. 

Really? Shrieks pricey rehab centre. Something a designer thinks ‘home’ should look like for a rich, young, socially confused newlywed celeb couple. And that kitchen is absolutely wasted on them. I hate that they chose those beautiful but high maintenance cats. At least they’ll get one each when the divorce is final.

I grew up in the UK and must have been about 10 years old the morning my mother came into my room looking terrified after waking from a bad dream. In this dream she had been lying on her back in a field filled with flowers, screaming in pain, while a tall, dark man stood over her, telling her everything was going to

Well given that this news contains the word ‘Christian,’ we can expect the jebubs crowd to come out swinging. They are all in when it comes to endangered Christians and fetuses. 

Trump’s businesses in Turkey are worth a bit of good old colluding with his favourite dictators.

I always thought he would start a war to distract from impeachment. But never in my wildest dreams did I think he would throw a key Middle East ally under the bus to advance the interests of Russia, Syria and Iran.

The royals are experts at dumping former friends. He is full of shit.

I am damn sure I have never met anyone who would willingly steam their vajayjays.

Dershowitz: the Giuliani equivalent for sexual predators.

His use of the word ‘salvage’ in connection with these fetuses says it all really.

A lot of ‘good men’ have had their Kavanaugh moments. To believe her was to admit it to themselves. Simply not possible.