
I used to really like Gail but she's become some sort of shrill harpy.

Yeah Atlanta sure produces terrible chefs. Only 2 of arguably 4 of the greatest chefs on this show are from there. I can be sure in guessing you're from the NY area.


My bad!

How the hell was this written and posted within 6 minutes of it finishing. I didn't think they gave our screeners in the middle of the season.

Yeah continued blatant sexism is really endearing.

Oh goodie, I hope the 4th gunman shows up again!

Three best chefs in the country/world? Give me a break. He doesn't even have a restaurant besides a burger place and he would get smoked in the first round of Top Chef Masters.

1) would never happen. The best dish always wins.

Really? You liked this?

I'm only 27
This makes me feel old.

MP3 will be fine. The WAV files are way too big and unless you're some kind of crazy audiophile the bitrate of 320 kbps on the MP3 files is more than good enough.

I thought the same thing. The parallels are pretty striking. Actually if it was made more recently you might even groan with how 'on the head' it is.

We'll Live Together. "They" can die alone
This is great. The analogy with LOST is amazing.

Charles Manson
Holy shit, Angelo is a fucking serial killer. He probably went home and stared at himself in a mirror calling himself 'stupid' for an hour after Mizrahi called him out.

I vote for De Stijl here. The raw energy is unbelievable.

LOL, Dr. Oz.

When I was a kid and this was first on, episodes like this would always frustrate me. In those early seasons when the mythology was something to look forward to, seeing Pileggi's name during the intro usually signified that you were in for a myth episode. But then there were episodes like this where instead

Fabio is still there because he can turn it on. Before this week he was in the top the previous two weeks. However if he does the whole 'front of the house' thing again for Restaurant week I can see him going home for pretty much not doing anything two weeks in a row.

I also wanted clarification about the amount of food Dale prepared last week. I assumed he did his full share seeing that he did a classical dim sum dish that should have been easy enough to produce large volumes of.