
They put that disclaimer on every reality TV show, but I don't think it holds much water with Top Chef. Everyone associated or with any knowledge of the show says the worst dish of the week always goes home and the best one wins. Tom holds a pretty hard line there.

I wasn't making that argument either, but I tend not to respond to unregistered trolls.

LOST was and is awesome.

I just found out that his review of episode 3 just recently came out. I cannot wait until I have 2 hours of free time.

I much prefer the audio AV Talks. The ads and movie clips REALLY destroy the pacing, and it makes everyone sound really robotic and staged. I like how in the audio ones it often just turns into a few intelligent, knowledgeable people who like each other talking about movies etc. This kind of sucked.

Reminiscent of the Matrix sequels?

The Four Winds EP was surprising good, compared at least to the album that followed it.

Because baseball rules.

Yeah it's like saying you prefer minor league baseball because there are more errors and hanging sliders.

Uh, compared to the NFL the quality of play in the SEC is worse than girls' middle-school volleyball.

Hey David Lynch
How bout you make another goddamn movie? No one wants to listen to your silly electropop or buy your artwork. We want films! Stick to what you're good at.

No. This movie is boring as shit.

It kind of just seems like Tasha is hating. She seemed to be almost mad at Geneevieve that she didn't dislike anything about the movie.

Hey, nothing wrong with sucking cock. Just gotta make sure the people who get their cocks sucked deserve it!

I also hate how nerdy communities have such low standards for these sort of things. It's like hear that something is nerdy or in a genre they like, and they automatically start sucking everyone's cock who's involved with it. Just because something is pandering to you does not make it good. Have some standards nerds!

Ugh, stop it with the H-word. Just because someone doesn't like something that is popular does not make them a H-word.

Yeah he's such a good actor he hasn't worked again (aside from an appearance on Law and Order) after being on the most critically acclaimed TV show of allt iem.

All of these things may be true but you're all forgetting an important fact.

Seconded (about Noah).

Employee of the Month
Is absolutely fantastic. First time the show made me go 'Wow'. Having just watched the series last year, I liked it but didn't really get all the fawning people did over it. That episode changed that.