
Yeah, this movie sucks.

I actually thought season 7 was a pretty big shit sandwich. The 'mythology' was HORRIBLE and it relied too much on 'wacky' X-Files episodes where Mulder could mug the camera the entire episode. And that episode that Gillian Anderson wrote/directed where Scully has sex with Mulder in the end, UGH.

Completely Unrelated
I just started watching the 8th season of The X-Files, and I'm surprised with how much I find myself liking Doggett. I just love his hardassness and Robert Patrick is a pretty great actor. I will always like Mulder (well, until Duchovny got bored with it and started mugging the camera) but this

The 'device' reeks a little too much of Rambaldi for me.

The Real Question Is:
Where is the Zach Handlen fiction published!!!

I found ITMOM to have a couple of great scenes, but to be kind of a mess overall. I think you can tell that Carpenter was starting to lose his touch at that point.

This is all true, but I still hate the 'Dawn as a klepto' storyline.


I love John Carpenter, but Prince of Darkness kind of sucks. It's really slow and cheesy and not at all scary.

The thing is an unassailable classic. If you don't like it then you don't like horror movies.

Yeah there's not supposed to be anything left when Illyria takes over. Fred is just a hollowed out shell, which is what makes it so heartbreaking.

Best show on television
So glad it's back.

I know why people like this season, and I and understand them.

Jeeeez guys.


This show is awful, but also truly glorious.

I dunno, I might give it an F.

I was thinking more along the lines of 2 Buffys, then 2 Angles, etc.

You know you REALLY don't have to watch them in the order of the air-date. Since Angel stayed on the WB and Buffy went to UPN it effectively separated the shows. I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying that it's not really unnecessary. And might be distracting when a set of two episodes aren't from the

Oh really? Every city isn't about finding things out from word of mouth? That's the whole point of every place you go! That's exactly what people like about Atlanta. You just haven't spent enough time outside your 'three accepted cities' to find this out.