
Oh because you're not allowed to make silly statements on this site without having everyone take you seriously. Completely different than what I was arguing against.

It's not about which city has the best 'rep'. I love many parts of the country and think that most of them have something interesting and unique to provide (especially Texas). I just don't get this regionalism where you think it's only ok to live in one part of the country, and usually the place where you grew up!

So it has shit for restaurants compared to 4 places? What kind of standards are those? You're ridiculous and I bet you've never spent any time here or eaten anywhere besides the Varsity.

I always try to tell people, it's not a great tourist town, but it's a great place to live. All the shit that tourists like to do sucks. But all the small neighborhoods and parks are just awesome.

Then Crackity, you are awesome.

Atlanta is better than where you live.
That is all.

They should just digitally insert Bob into this movie. It would be 100 times better.


Legend of Owls: The Rise of Ra's al Ghul
Didn't they learn anything from 'Percy Jackson, etc'. Long complicated titles with punctuation spell doom for a movie.

If you saw it, you know what she felt. Sooooooo groosssssss.

Nothing particular about the opening scene. I'm pretty sure you could have shown me any scene from the show (I'm in the middle of the second season) and I would have instantly fallen in love.

Millennium Actress left me a little cold, but I thought Perfect Blue was absolutely superb.

*disagrees with Stingo. Throws away all DVD sets just because of one episode*

I don't mind seasons 6/7 as much as some, but boy do I feel bad for Noel if he finds this dreary. Poor guy.

Plus someone needs to stay home and watch the shop.


Yeah everyone from Iowa (or the midwest in your eyes I bet) is a boring douche.

This is completely unrelated to this set of episodes, but…

But the speed limit on that section of 95 is only 55 mph and tony was going 70 mph and didn't even get pulled over by the cop. OH THE INCONSISTENCIES!

I thought it was implied in 'Fight the Future' that the Alien discovered was a 'prehistoric version' of the aliens we see today. Hence why he was so violent and, well savage.