Sorry, I was paraphrasing Mike, those certainly are not my opinions.
Wow, Mike certainly is a hater.
No one else agrees.
I've posted this before on the TCM section of the TV Club, but boy are the majority of these male chefs incredibly sexist. When given the chance to select the 'weakest' chefs for themselves to compete against, they almost exclusively picked women until they were all gone.
Agreed PVL,
The only reason Marcus won is because the critics couldn't decide if his gross African dish was supposed to be gross or not.
I might have seen more episodes of The Simpsons (repeats included) than every other TV show combined. It's absolutely fantastic.
She didn't seem to have a personality when introduced in the 4th season, but once she became more confident, mostly because of her relationship with Willow, she turned into one of the more likable characters on the show.
The Real Question
Marmaduke or SATC2?
Waxman is definitely going home next week. He's tired and just wants to be home with his family. Add that to the fact that he's easily the least competitive person left the final 3 should be pretty obvious.
I nominate the above statement as the dumbest statement inthe history of the AV Club message boards.
Say what you will about small creatures, this is one of the best sites on the internet:
I'm not sure if I didn't notice it until now, or if these guys were worse than the average chefs, but boy are these male chefs sexist. They never have anything nice to say about the female chefs, act surprised when they cook something well, and then whenever the female chefs have a misstep, they act like they…
See I just assumed she didn't know shit, so they were like 'here, judge the grilled cheese challenge'. And then she picked the one that looked the most 'gooey', further making me think she just didn't show shit. She also doesn't get to score them at the end of the elimination challenge.
Me and my girlfriend always complain about how boring and seemingly unskilled Kelly Choi is. All 90 pounds of her just seem to be 'there' without contributing anything. However if you look up her wikipedia page, apparently she's extremely accomplished in this field. It blew my mind. She has 10 times the…
Strong Sad in Space!
I recently started making my girlfriend watch TNG with me. We caught a few episodes on SyFy (ugh) but unfortunately they happened to be in this section of season 1.
Strong Sad in Space!
I recently started making my girlfriend watch TNG with me. We caught a few episodes on SyFy (ugh) but unfortunately they happened to be in this section of season 1.
@barefoot jim