Energy Whips
I saw these 2nd two episodes on Syfy (worst rebrandng ever) recently and was shocked with how bad they were. I grew up on season 3+ TNG.
Energy Whips
I saw these 2nd two episodes on Syfy (worst rebrandng ever) recently and was shocked with how bad they were. I grew up on season 3+ TNG.
I haven't gone past the ones on the original Playstation, but boy FF8 was the biggest disappointment EVER. After 6 and 7 to release that turd? C'mon. At least 9 was fun.
I just started watching the series, and blew through seasons 1-4. Even though my girlfriend prepared me for the suckage that would start with John Goodman and would carry through to season 5 I was not prepared. We watched like 6 episodes and haven't gone back. It's absolutely DREADFUL.
Season 5 is the logical, and emotional end of Buffy. I don't find it very depressing, we heard all along that the Slayer lives and dies alone, and it was the perfect ending to have her sacrifice herself to save the world.
Heroes always sucked, that's why.
Because I liked the Ewoks as a kid, it sometimes makes me worry that I would have liked Jar Jar Binks if I were 8 when I saw Phantom Menace.
The finale was pretty much a 'Fuck You'. Lynch came back and pretty much said 'what the fuck has been going on here?' and decided to ramp up the weirdness factor. Add that to the fact that they knew it was going to be canceled and you have one big FU. Although I still think it brings the show back around to where…
The Matrix still holds up remarkably well. Both the story and the effects still seem fresh. It shows you that more is not always better because although the sequels had larger budgets, they just look silly and cartoony now.
Welcome to
Your opinion is incorrect.
Best Garden State hating I've come across.
Yeah I don't normally make declarative statements, but you're wrong here.
In either the commentary for this or the series (I forget) Whedon explicitly says that the idea for Firefly came from thinking of the ships and people the Enterprise would just pass by without considering. The Alliance is supposed to be EXACTLY like the Federation.
Oh No!
The 95% of us who visit the site and don't live anywhere near NYC are crushed.
'Rape Me'
My question is this:
I just rewatched the first 4 seasons, and The X-Files definitely still holds up. The conventional wisdom is correct though, the stand-alones are great and the 'mythology' eps leave a little to be desired.
Yeah it's still around. At one point it enters the lab and lies next to RoboZoe and has to be told to 'come' when Mr. Graystone leaves the room.