
Pura Vida is surprisingly good, and definitely has the most relaxed atmosphere out of any of the restaurants helmed by the chefs on this season.

Having eaten at Kevin's place I can also account for its awesomeness. However if you're a big eater the 3 course/$45 tasting menu will probably end up being a little on the light side.

Right on prowler. In fact I would groan every time they showed his mother on the screen. She never seemed sad (and she even said she wasn't sad at the time) and seemed to use the opportunity to talk about how great she was, and how all these famous people felt bad for her. She was AWFUL.

Wah wah, I don't know how to navigate the internet.

I never said I wasn't familiar with Ali (I mostly am) but was making a comment about the film as a whole. It really wouldn't have hurt them to throw an extra 5 minutes of exposition (especially about Ali's and Holmes relationship prior to this fight) into the beginning and it would have really given the film more

I want Holmes
The only problem I had with this installment is that the film makers didn't really do you any favors if you weren't overly familiar with Ali's career or even this particular fight. Other than that, which didn't really detract that much, this was another knock out (I couldn't help myself) from ESPN.

Let the Right One In, easily.

Although I thought the subject matter made for a great documentary, I thought the pacing was way off for this entry of 30 for 30. Tollin seemed to just go from one subject to the next, with no real order or flow taken into consideration. I thought the first 5 minutes were especially jarring, and after that he

DCRJ has it exactly right.


PS that wasn't some sort of typical snarky/sarcastic/ironic statement that is normally thrown up here.

Nathans Volume
Good level volume this time around Nathan!

Not being a huge three camera sitcom fan myself, what is it that you think that they can do that other mediums can't? I get that they're comfortable and often pleasant but I don't really get it beyond that.

True Believer
I wonder if we'll get Scott's opinion on this episode/the show as a whole.

My mistake then, apologies Nathan.

Voice Volume
No offense Nathan, but you really need to talk at a constant volume. It's impossible to listen when your voice alternates between quiet whispering and really loud 'UMMMMS'.


Where's the new comics panel?