
Sure Princess Anna can join, but no carrots in the butt; only in her computer to shut it down so she can’t type anymore!

so beautifully said!! So grateful for your bravery especially being a mom. Your a rockstar momma bear... and what your doing is so inspiring. Where do you learn about protection? no where but SSM! “ fight fire with fire” hells yah nobody f* with momma bear and her cubs!

If you became a doctor, I would see you, you’d make such an amazing one! Of course my eyesight is 20/20 :-)

Amen, SHHannah! I feel so affected reading this about how you’re the mom you never felt you could be based on your own upbringing - all because of International. Gives me so much hope for the next generation and what is possible.

JiminyJillickers is one of those dudes who sits on the internet trolling because he can’t get a girl IRL. If you don’t have a greasy combover on your actual head, you got one on your soul!

totally! I definitely wouldn’t want a GMO, factory farm husband!

I’ve been in every “back room” there is to be in and so have many of the other women who have been posting their positive accounts of SSM. It was never the way that it was distorted to seem in this article.

For what it’s worth, doesn’t seem like you have really walked the fuck away. Reminds me of this friend of mine who couldn’t stop talking about her “horrible” ex-boyfriend. After awhile, it was more than I could bear. She wasn’t even with the guy anymore, let it go. Needless to say, we aren’t friends anymore.

Anna—I am really glad that you published Anika’s email to you. It shows me that you are, at this point, willing to see that perhaps you didn’t have all the facts when you went to print with this article.

Anika! This feels like an amazing testament to your experience. How refreshing after hearing all this sensationalist voyeuristic garbage from 99% of the commenters.

Are you talking about peace furnace? Wow, G! So sorry to hear how upset you are by all of this. 3 hours is a gross exaggeration, though. Don’t you think? I really liked connecting with you when you were in SSM. Perhaps you were burned in a previous experience and so when the opportunity arose for you to have a new

I take the time to keep commenting because this article is highly upsetting to me and to many other participants in SSM and ever former participants that left in a regular kind of way, as in, not making it into a villain in their story or antagonizing the shit out of something that is actually quite unique and

I have been reduced to a carrot!

Millenials have long ago decided that college degrees are now worthless in our economy. So it’s funny you would bring up her lack of degree as a shaming thing.

Shouting! Carrots REPRESENT.

This piece was painful to read. Not surprised. Doesn’t seem like Anna had much of an editor. Lot of ranting going on here from naysayers in the comments, but did anyone even notice that only two of the women who Anna got her “info” from were willing to give their names. I mean come on. Where is the courage in that? If

As a Super Hottie in International Hot School Radio I can say that this is definitely a CULT which is the root word of CULTURE! HELLO PEOPLE?!?! Are you all idiots?! Are we seriously still afraid of Kool-Aid and shit?

This article is totally biased, one-sided, and doesn’t reflect all the people (including myself) that International has helped. Irresponsible journalism and lame reporting Anna! He is a visionary and has helped me be super successful in my life and in my marriage, and as a mom. The cult thing is ridiculous- last I

I know only what I just read about this group, so I’m not defending them. But what, do people have to be poor to be spiritual? That’s totally not true IMO. What’s wrong with wanting to have money? If anything I think being strong spiritually can lead people to be more successful.