Ege Bamyası

Sleep is good for insomniacs:

What did you think of the goat in this episode?

…or John Slattery?

Did they use a different version of "Let the Mystery Be"?

I understand the concept, although I get the impression that maybe you think I don't, which is why you asked. Maybe? I don't really understand the question.




HBO's synopsis for tonight's finale of #TheLeftovers:

At first, I wondered why Jack had a beard, which is a classic character-in-crisis trope, which was clearly being used as a narrative device, since it immediately put temporal distance between these scenes and the flashbacks from previous episodes. (I had a big beard a couple of years ago, so I tend to notice such

"Jin Has a Temper-Tantrum on the Golf Course" was fun!

Should I watch the "mobisodes"?

Did you watch when the series originally aired?

Well, I can't wait to see Act Two. Do you consider the entire final season to be the epilogue?

Appropriately, I believe my eyes were watery during the drowning scene. The question about the stations makes me think that I should be thinking more about the stations. I thought they were established to monitor the electromagnetic (and other) properties of the island by the Dharma Initiative people, who are now