Ege Bamyası


Can Locke control the weather? Strange things are afoot. Maybe he's pulling the strings somehow. The audience is obviously meant to be suspicious of him. I'm sure his relationship with Walt (as a surrogate father?) will prove to be significant. I predict that Sun will leave and possibly try to "kill" her husband. I

Awesome cover art too.

They don't make it off the island. They're dead. (I'll make a list.)

Singin' in the Rain was on after the interval, so I went home in a good mood.

OT: What do you think of "If You’re Here"?

Yeah, I am definitely intrigued. I was somewhat suspicious of Ethan when I noticed that a new actor/character had been introduced. Also, Ethan seemed evasive when he was interviewed by Hurley. I can't remember what he said, but I wasn't hugely surprised by the revelation that he hadn't been on the plane. But I don't

I definitely liked it at the time, c.2000. I saw it as part of a double bill with Singin' in the Rain.

More than "The Rains of Castamere"?

The presidential debates made me feel nauseous.

I watched the fifth episode of The Handmaid's Tale and realised that I hadn't replied to your comment, which warranted a fuller (and earlier) response than this one. I think you made some really good points, even though I don't agree with all of them. Also, I think you are right that some of the flashbacks haven't

I hadn't even heard of it. I assume you don't recommend it.

I meant to reply to this a few days ago, before I forgot all the things I was going to say. I watched all or most of the first season of LOST when it originally aired, so I am not coming to this completely fresh. It's also difficult, as a reader of this site, not to read comments about the show on other articles. I

Why did you want to punch his teeth out?

…and also helps support someone accused of multiple sexual assaults.

Has a piece of pop culture ever made you feel physically ill?

I still haven't watched the second season. I've had 26 years to do so.

By Jove, I think you've got it!