Ege Bamyası

What's the Second Law of Trump Projection?

I found a couple of the poems ("Snow" and "Governors on Sominex") here.

Do you like Community? If so, which episodes?

Yeah, I agree. I should probably watch Moonrise Kingdom.

Die Hard

As a fellow humble Silver Jews fan, I'd be very interested to read it. Alas, I can't find a .pdf either. It's available for $30 on Drag City's website.

Let's see if he still likes trucks after this:

SURELY that's grounds for impeachment?

How did it rip off Wes Anderson?


"Priming the pump" is verbal wildfire!

Absolutely incredible. That exceeded my wildest expectations.

I don't know what that ("a Kurt Angle style milk truck shower") means, but it made me laugh out loud in a public place.

The detail about Sean Spicer hiding in the bushes falls into this category.

I think he's already gone beyond Full Nixon.

I am genuinely surprised that he didn't mention the size of his inauguration crowd.

How do you think Comey will respond? What can he do? Maybe he should clothesline Trump, or break a chair over his head?

It seems especially insincere in this instance.