“It’s not something we wanted to have happen. It didn’t have to go this route,” says spokesperson for sheriff’s office that has chosen to make this happen by going this route.
“The cop” is a pretty evergreen response too
I hope there is video.
Sure, these are valid points to make. I’ll still be interested to see if commentators, who were so quick to tar Sergei Kostitsyn with the broad brush of the Dumb Lazy Russian Who Doesn’t Care About The Game Who’s Only In It For The Money, make any aspersions on who Mr. Marchand is as a person, as a human being, or if…
I know a lot of people are going to take satisfaction and glee from this because of Marchand’s previous actions. But keep in mind.... just kidding, fuck that guy.
I like this story because in a way it’s uniquely American. It’s about sporting excellence, pride in your accomplishments and not even pretending to understand the concept of moderation.
Good, right?
I’m okay with them scoring a pile of goals. Celebrating those goals with more than a fist bump after about 5-0 just means you’re a bit of a dick.
damn this is a horribly stupid comment.
Made for the following people in their entirety:
You, Me
The fact that you put Utah and Nevada into the Southwest instead of the Mountain West is east coast bias at its finest.
Eh, I was 17 and tailgaters are fuckwads. I generally kept it to only 2-lane roads with a shoulder for them to pull off on, so it really only inconvenienced their impatience.
The Hive is more than “petty.” They’re deranged.
And here I was thinking that this particular rape case featuring a global sports superstar would be straightforward
They’re cults. I know plenty of people who love Beyonce (I enjoy her, but think the hero worship is excessive) and would never join the digital Beyonce cult.
Have to disagree. If you are going 80-85 mph with a speed limit of 70 in a 2-lane interstate, it IS acceptable to stay in the left lane continuously passing the cars on the right AS LONG AS you watch your rear-view mirror and move over if a car is coming up behind you.
I’d like to add another extremely important one:
the only reason he thinks he can get away with it is literally every single experience he’s ever had.
The thing that gets me about this is that there’s literally no other scenario in the world where a dink like Stevens would do this to someone like Lowry who could clearly and easily kick the shit out of him. The only thing that lets someone like Stevens think he can get away with it is a lifetime of thinking that…