
I was actually referring to this:

The trailer looked good too.  Send to Disney+ and bury it under the Lost Gems category.

My favorite commentary on this was from Mr. Sunday Movies who called it “X-Men Ghost School” because he cared so little for it he couldn’t be bothered to look up the actual title.

He’s also missing the point that’s very little that’s realistic about these characters.

“look up to”

Yeah, hilarious isn’t it? Why yes, Mr. Super-Smart and All-Knowing Zack Snyder, I am living in a dream world. It’s called comic book escapist fiction!

One thing I give Bay over Snyder will always be that Bay at least doesn’t seem to have any weird delusions of grandeur. He knows he shoots the boobies and explosions with cameras, and he’s gonna keep doing that. 

The whole problem with much of the DC Cinematic Universe under his care is that he refuses to see the value in bringing dream worlds to life. 

Is there a reason we’re still listening to the poor mans Michael Bay? Sounds like someone forgot their cinematic murderverse is getting rebooted in real time because everyone hated it.

Seriously. What a hyper-aggressive, overcompensating way to even begin a sentence. Tells you everything you need to know about this hack.

What? Zack Snyder is just “keeping it real” and... Jesus, I have to stop myself. He sounds like I did when I was 14 and reading Bloodstrike comics.

No killing was an editorial edict from the 40s, but it also worked thematically for both Superman and Batman and became integral parts of their identities, one I’d say is even more important for Batman than Superman. If Batman kills, Batman is no better than most of the criminals he faces- he’s a murderer who takes

Are we still listening to this objectivist lunatic? Ok....

Snyder does not have a point. Because his argument is “if you believe Batman doesn’t kill, you live in a dream world.” Except that dream world is called comic books. So trying to say “Hey, fanboy nerds, your comic books are stupid and you should wake up to the real world where your superhero murders people!” isn’t

“My version is the best, it’s you people who read comics that are wrong.”

I mean Tony Stark is literally the same thing.

Wow CPM, way to lose a lot of Geek cred defending this dude’s ass backwards narrative take on an 80yr old character. WTF?

Realistic approach about a guy that dresses up like a bat and an alien that wears a bright red cape? Trying to justify both of these characters with no kill codes of morality murdering on screen as realistic is a pretty silly thing to say. When you make an adaption of an established character the core of the mythos