
Looking forward to the new Twilight Zone and Us as Get Out was really great. James Wan most likely will do blockbusters from now on so I’m expecting Jordan Peele to be the next great horror auteur.

I had to look behind me twice really quickly just reading this list.

I went to Get Out without too much concern. This is the movie that’s going to have me asking all my horror-loving friends (and, y’know, everyone on the internet) “OK, so I want to see it but I don’t like horror films. How ‘horror’ is it?”

True,but I’ll take my chances with Feige over Guy Ritchie. 

I hate it sooooo much. As much as I enjoyed DOFP, it was an X-Men movie where Mystique wasn’t blue, Beast wasn’t blue, and Professor X could walk. It was an elaborate script to make for lazy filming.

Then they need to go back and have Kelsey Grammer do the VO. Frasier-Beast is my favorite Beast.

Yeah, just looking at the guy they have playing Cyclops I can’t wait for them to recast the role with someone appropriate.

Let’s be honest, there’s no fucking reason anyone, in any of these movies needs to sit in a makeup chair for longer than it takes to put dots on their faces. It’s incredibly time consuming, difficult for the actor (Doug Jones is the exception it seems, damn that man can act through latex) and no matter how good it

The good news is that once Disney gets it’s hands on it and gives it a cooling down period, it’s likely that no one will remember or care about these last couple of movies. Point in case, remember how Andrew Garfield was Spider-Man?

Marvel will probably chuck the Nicholas Holt version of beast into the trash bin and CGI the shit out of him as soon as Kevin Feige’s people get their hands on the character. They will also hire a slightly better actor, like Simon Pegg or Michael Sheen to do the voice acting and have Andy Serkis consult on the Mo-Cap.

Yeah. Beast needs to be all-CG like Hulk, Thanos, Rocket, etc. The practical attempts they’ve tried just end up looking goofy.

Marvel really stepped their game up with the cgi. Especally with Thanos and de-aging.

God damn it, STOP IT with the human Beast nonsense. I get it, the makeup is time consuming and Holt’s people want to have his face more on screen, but this ruins the character.

Can not wait for Disney to do justice to the X-men. 

Oh shit, Professor Chidi Anagonye’s in this?


Ain’t no one gonna pay 💰 for that,   The main series is filmed at the side of a rural georgia highway.   These suits ain’t putting out for a GOT style budget 

Maybe we’ll find a group of competent survivors that are working to rescue people and bring them back to a burgeoning society.

Maybe Walking Dead but a bit farther north where everyone smashed up the frozen walkers during the first winter and we’re all doing just fine now.

Walking Dead UK. It’s smaller than the US, an island, and you’ve got a far different climate than either of the two current series.