
I’m so excited to go to Disneyland in 2022 when the crowds for this finally become relatively manageable.

This might be the closest we’ll get to a “Westworld”-ish immersive experience at a theme park, at least for the near future. I’m ready for it

No need to flatter yourself. This is the internet, after all. It didn’t take more than two minutes to go back through the Disqus archive to find our long and pointless back and forth.

Hey, if you don’t like it, fine. Don’t watch it. Save your money. But it’s not crap. It’s certainly not perfect (personally, I think the Klingon stuff is a drag), but the first season was better than the first season of most of the previous series. Certainly better than the first seasons of Voyager, Enterprise, or TNG.

Don’t worry, I hadn’t given you a second thought until the (thoroughly expected) news of the renewal broke. I do appreciate the boldness of a prediction which can be falsified; this is how science advances. 

And anyone who does actually like it, are wrong, shills or just not real fans.

Haven’t you heard? You’re not allowed to just not like something anymore, you must seek to bring about it’s destruction and then rejoice it it when and if that happens.

It’s funny, but when Discovery was announced with Bryan Fuller in charge I was so excited. But now I feel that a lot of the problems with the 1st season can be laid directly at his feet. I’m sure that if he had gotten to make the show he wanted to make it would have been riveting, but as a foundation for an ongoing

They should call it “The Picard Show”. Make it a 50s style sitcom.

It is bizarre. I had an overlong thread with one of these guys back in December. As I noted in a separate thread, he was certain that Disco would be cancelled after this season. I can see how the lack of transparency about viewership from streaming services, along with the massive fragmentation of the TV viewing

I had the exact same experience here:

I’d enjoy a twist where they have to transport a passenger named Kirk, but then it turns out to be his brother.

It’s kind of amazing the lengths some of Discoverys haters will go to to try to convince everyone it’s a failure. I actually saw someone try to argue the other day that the new Trek shows CBS has announced were all because Discovery was tanking and, forill defined nefarious corporate reasons, CBS created a slew of

I doubt it’ll be a whole season given there’s no organic connection between Kirk and anyone on the Discovery. At best a multi-part episode involving the incident on The Farragut where we’ll get a young, damaged anything-but-cocky Jim Kirk.

Given Discovery’s...let’s say tumultuous history with showrunners, this is yet another behind-the-scenes change for the show”

I think you are misremembering.  if you go back and look at the episodes themselves, they are for the most part good episodes.  And First Contact was the best of the TNG films.  It appears that he has become a sought after director in recent years.

First Contact is arguably the best of the TNG movies. He also directed The Drumhead, The Offspring, and Cause & Effect, which are very good episodes of TNG. I’ve also enjoyed the couple of episodes of both Disco and The Orville that he’s helmed. I’d say he’s a pretty good director.

I legit just welled up. Make it so.