
the authors serious bother to weigh what the most logical and realistic way for those magical stones to exhibit their power would be? Really?

RE: the use of portals for space travel, they were shown and discussed in GotG Vol 2 and Thor: Ragnarok. I don’t believe it was important to review this in a movie as tightly packed and paced as Infinity War.

All six Stones were needed to erase half the universe: each played a part in the process, it couldn’t have been done if even one of the Stones was missing. The roles played by the stones:

“It is neither hard to follow, nor overly complex.”

I was explaining to a non-comic-non-movie fan why Captain America is my favourite Avenger (as a non-American that finds Americana kind of masturbatory for the most part) by describing his character arc over First Avenger, Avengers, Winter Soldier & Civil War:

Marvel only started putting up good movies after they teamed up with Disney, if Disney had purchased DC it would have been another story.

Swear to God, WB execs can’t shit without first consulting a focus group.

Oh, please, like you are unaware that “U Mad?” is a douchey troll’s go to for not engaging in actual discussion.

Been saying it since the 90s: WB cannot get out of their own fucking way. Ever.

OK, so I can give you that BvS is good.

The plot is BvS is pretty simple man.

“Right, and BvS set up Batman, “

People keep bringing up Gaurdians as an example of a team movie with no build up - yet keep ignoring that the film itself set up the characters, and didn’t just assume people would go in already attached to them.

I will continue to eat and enjoy the Marvel cookie cutter films because cookies are good (no matter what kind they are).

OK, so I can give you that BvS is good.

The real problem DC has is they are not world building. We should have gotten WW first, then Superman, then a Batman film, then team them up as a trinity, then spin off to the Justice League.

I agree in principle — fans always say that the studio should make a good movie first, right, then worry about everything else.

It’s really hard to comment too much on this, because following these rumors is as difficult as following the plot in BvS.

I think Wonder Woman had two things going for it to begin with. Novelty and timeliness. Of course there’s name recognition and star power and other variables. And while I didn’t care for Gadot’s acting per se, you could see her enthusiasm in the role bleeding through.