
“Hey, you know all those scenes that make you tear up when you watch the movies on their own? Have all of them in under five minutes!”

I’m guessing even he realized those scenes weren’t salvageable and there was no way to test run ILMs new toys in those scenes (that was one of the big reasons he did the special editions) 

That’s kinda my point. Lucas threw in all kinds of useless shit. At least this shades Luke’s character more and makes the Biggs’s death at the end more meaningful.

I can. Those scenes really really really slow down the pacing of the first act, and the opening space battle.

I feel bad for the actors who had to put up with that Tunisa heat for nothing. 

God I hate trailers that give away the whole movie.

I still can’t believe never put that Biggs-on-Tatooine footage into his re-releases.

Goddamn onion spores coming out of this piece of sh** laptop!

Lots of deleted scenes in there. Looking up, Biggs and Luke, Luke crafting Green saber, Bail Organa talking with other Senators, Leia’s “moon jockey” line. Lotsa stuff. 

I feel like the whole “wait, how does all of Starfleet know about Section 31?” thing could be easily explained: just expand on the hints in the very beginning of the first season that Discovery was originally a Section 31 project. Remember how that black badge confused Michael when she saw one on a guard in

Are you really a Starfleet officer if you don’t break the PD? No, you are not. 

In fairness most Star Trek crews are shown failing upwards. Heck half the shit jim Kirk pulled should have resulted in him be court martialed.

“feigned-objective criticism”

Hey, cool. It’s the same topic that I got stuck in a two-day conversation with people who think “airhead” is a legitimate and totally non-sexist trope.

This is heartbreaking and exactly what trolls want. They want women out of their boys-only spaces. They want the status quo. They want to go back to when things men loved (sci-fi) were serious literary pursuits and things women loved (romance) were terrible and something to be ashamed of. And, to some extent, they’re

I have a story about the 2016 Ghostbusters movie I’d like to share.

(1) I, a girl, also watched Ghostbusters many times during my youth.

Thanks for reading.

I’m more concerned by the casting call which places another young white guy as the lead male and specifically describes the lead female part as “an airhead.” Tell us how you really feel about women then, Reitman. No, seriously.

In before the comment section turns into exactly what Beth was talking about...

Oy vey with all these “the 2016 movie just wasn’t good” responses. Not. The. Point.