
This guy seemed to have a dog fighting ring so, yeah, it is normal to be furious at him. He is scum. 

I do not have a signed permission slip for this feels trip.

Whoever made the character designs is an evil genius.

OOF - was good until the end, then the feel goods got me. Reminded me of my lil beagle I rescued.

I actually don’t know why it’s taken this long. Accusations have been following that dude for decades. That’s not an exaggeration.

I don’t think praying on it will help. The devil didn’t make him do this stuff.

Honestly? I think for a lot of men they think it’s easier to get people on their side by saying “it happened but it was consensual and she just regrets it” rather than a flat denial. He’s attempting to play the angles, but is doing so very poorly. All he’s showing is that he really has no sense of boundaries or

you should sit down and think about why your response is bad, and why all these people would risk repercussion in their own careers to go on record talking about him. 

“especially when we KNOW people whos careers have been destroyed who were completely innocent but got zero reparations for their reputation being demolished”

Yeah. It’s a running theme with people I know that nobody who goes to cons is more than a single degree of separation from somebody who has been physically harassed by Vic Mignogna. This has been going on for years.


I’ve attended cons since 2002, and attended on press badges since about 2010. I’ve been given numerous opportunities for interviews with Vic over the years. I’ve never once done it, because I’ve been hearing stories about his behavior since 2007 and I refused to be in a room alone with him under any circumstance. I am

He’s a monster. No amount of counseling will change that, nor will it make people any more comfortable to be in a studio with him, at a convention with him.


I wonder what it’s supposed to mean that I’m more inclined to think he did it because he responds to so many allegations saying, “I remember it happening, but not that way exactly,” rather than a flat denial.

Yeah. The fact his fan base are convinced this is all a carefully orchestrated, decade long, feminist conspiracy, shows the kind of people we’re dealing with here.

This article definitely feels like another nail in the coffin that is his career in the voice industry.

I am sure this comment section will be interesting... sigh.

Nah, the original series gave the ladies the appropriate stripes on the cuff like everyone else. Its the reboot movie I’m objecting to!

the article said it was a marketing person..    Helps if you read...