
It airs on Netflix everywhere besides N. America, so presuming if you have a VPN, you could watch it there?

You are clearly unfamiliar with the Vulcan credo IPIC: Infinite perversity in infinite combinations.

For me the scene in the scept, especially in comparison to the book equivalent, wasn’t a problem of writing as much as it was a problem of direction and of where the scene was placed in the story. The dialogue and actions were pretty much verbatim from the book, but the timing and non-verbal was all wrong. 

The Jaime/Cersei scene is very similar to the sept scene. The writers thought better of this one, but added it back in later for some indiscernible reason.

Did you get all hot and bothered making such a hot take comment, bro?

Jamie/Cersei: My thoughts too.

Isn’t that Jamie and Cersei scene kind of the exact thing they did in the sept that caused so much controversy?

Dany’s “Yes” was a key piece missing from the actual pilot, they should have left that in.

Psssh, Neelix is way more unfuckable than Saru.

I guess plenty pf people on Tumblr are not in their right mind.

...of terror and screaming children.

No, wait, I get why it looks weird: his body looks like it’s moving independently from his head. Which is super weird.

It looks like the effects still aren’t done either. Like, he looks like he’s being badly computer generated. Like he’s about to start buffering or something.

Andrew Lincoln?

3 fucking rick movies??!?! Did anyone ask for that?

Am I supposed to be impressed by that argument? Of course there are infinite possibilities. Except that there aren’t. A sequel is always restricted by the character work and plot threads established in the original. I’ve done the fanfiction exercise in my head many times to figure out a direction I could take a

8 shows, and not a single one of them being the thing that me and my Trekkie friends want. All we want is a normal Star Trek show that takes place after Voyager...

...two and a half decades ago. But, sorta close. You could do a “secret history” type thing where all those wars in the early-mid 90s (Gulf War, Yugoslavia, etc.) were actually Illuminati- Khan-funded resource acquisition campaigns (maybe the genetic engineering lab was built in Burma in the 70s?). 1990s throwbacks

Most trailers are cut in a way to make scenes seem more connected than they are (or sometimes just add/remove things that aren’t in the episodes/feature) to throw the viewer off and hide twists and surprises