
at least we still have this

X-Men, Black Panther, Falcon, Red Skull, Hate Monger, Iceman, North Star, Captain America, The Watchdogs, Flag Smasher, H.A.M.M.E.R., Nuke, etc., etc., etc. — Marvel has a long history of books, storylines, and characters with political bite. If you look at what’s going on in Captain America, Black Panther, and other

The fact that this racist asshole is still running Marvel Comics is an insult to pretty much everyone.

Unfortunately, whether you focus on politics or ignore them they effect you in some way. 

But what does Akira Yoshida think about this?

having the EiC of a major publisher downplay politically themed stories while women, people of color, and queer people in the comics community are being targeted by hateful crusades of harassment wasn’t the best call.

Relax chicken little. No prices wont increase by 50%, no Disney wont lay off 30% of staff (by the way very Trumpian of you how you pull these random percentages without any backup, but I digress). You should be the one cracking open an economics book and study that historically there has been no relationship between

Here’s some real numbers for you: In 2015, Purdue ran a study to see what the impact on prices would be if fast-food companies (aka companies with huge percentages of minimum wage employees) raised their lowest wage to $15/hr and wanted to keep profits level.

Only THREE FUCKING YEARS until their employees can afford to eat and sleep in a proper shelter.

Gunn wrote all of the Guardians’ dialogue in Infinity War, and presumably in Avengers 4 as well.

Just a reminder that Mike Cernovich is a rapist! 

The first Guardians is a top 3 MCU movie for me, and Vol. 2 was still pretty damn good. That said, I’d kind of be okay with them just not doing a 3rd movie, especially without Gunn involved. Maybe have any of the Guardians that are un-dusted in Avengers 4 show up in other cosmic movies down the road. The X-Men and

You should only reboot things that are good ideas that were not executed right the first time.”

I like that this is more of a continuation. This allows old characters to show up from time to time.

That is not a nice gift. At all. This Palpatine dude is not a nice person. Just saying.

Darth Vader is such a goth.

The whole Betsy-in-Kwannon’s body thing has been problematic for years. Marvel basically had three choices in what to do:

Turns out, humans are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Oh, sweet summer child.