
Lee Daniel's Tyler Perry's Marvel's The Black Panther: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire

You're also missing Galactus, Silver Surfer, Blastaar, Super Skrull, and a bunch of other supporting characters. Which could, of course, be replaced.

You can't really do "Annihilation" without "Anihilus", though.

Watch where you swing that edge, kid.

As a person that doesn't, the overwhelming number of masturbatory comments that have flooded every article about True Detective since that episode aired come off as objectifying and a bit puerile. I get it, she's hot. Repeating it over and over and referring to her solely by her breasts is something I'd expect from a

Alexandra D'addario! Boobs! Amiright, bros? I'm literally touching my penis as I type this comment!

"Self-Satisfied" is how I'd describe the writing. McConaughey and Harrelson managed to sell it, though. I'm worried that the new cast won't be able to manage it.

These have been great, looking forward to the conclusion!

The first really clear movie-going memory I have is seeing Mulan in 1997, though my folks tell me that they took me to earlier ones (Toy Story included, though I have no memory of it). I wish I could remember seeing Toy Story on the big screen, I'm sure it was incredible. I've got a real soft spot for that movie.

As a four year old, I believe I spent the majority of 1995 being oblivious to contemporary popular culture. Apparently I saw Toy Story in theaters? I think?

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is a good choice once they've got a slightly better handle on the reading thing, it's a little wordy for a 6 tear old but perfect for a 1st-6th grader. It's hilarious, to boot.

I'm really enjoying Inhumans: Attilan Rising, Infinity Gauntlet, and A-Force so far. Really hoping that the characters in Infinity stick around after Secret Wars ends. A lot of the others have been middling-to-good, but some of them seem like they need a bit of setup before they get to the fireworks factory (like Ultim

I've been enjoying DeConnick's run on Captain Marvel, along with Ms. Marvel and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Seriously, there are a bunch of great books by women writers/artists being put out at Marvel right now. Hopefully a successful Captain Marvel movie will lead to more female characters getting film adaptations. A

The Brood rights are tied up with Fox. Along with the Skrulls (at least partially), the Shi'ar, the Starjammers, Galactus, and just about every other major part of Cosmic Marvel. Which of course, they will do absolutely nothing with. Because we need another 17 movies about Wolverine.

Did they ever mention how the Kree guy got to Earth? Does he still have some ship stashed away planetside?

Dude doesn't seem to know that there are other Inhumans, like teleporty-no-eyes-dude, running around under the radar and seemingly controlling their powers just fine. I'd take his knowledge with a grain of salt.

He hasn't drawn the last few issues of Rocket Raccoon, but the fill-in artists have been excellent and the writing is still hilarious.

Wow. One in ten of us? I suppose that should make us feel less isolated, but for me at least it doesn't. It's crazy that something that affects so many of us is so misunderstood.

So completely right there with you. I actively repressed/refused to identify with gayness at that age too, because all I knew about gays was shit that I heard from my church or on the news, or other boys making nasty jokes. Casual homophobia was one of my reactions to it as well.