
Please tell us again, in your eloquent and nuanced fashion, how much this film you disliked utterly and objectively sucked. Everyone is absolutely dying to hear.

As we all know, the real hallmark of a bad movie is using all those gosh-dang cuss words.

Yes! Favorite band. Sean and Ben are super nice guys too, always down to chat for a bit when they roll through my town. Every show of there's I've been to has been fantastic. Loving the new sound, too.

FUCKMYLIFE666 and Two Coffins are superb. Really loving the new album, it's definitely a return to form. Saw them play year before last and it was one of the best live shows I've ever seen. Laura's still got it.

I can't decide whether I like the cover art yet. but the song is fucking great. Really evokes Sea Change era stuff.

Clipper cards!

If Weekend is anything like this, I need to track it down immediately. This was just fantastic.

It's fairly common among my peers (university-aged queer folk). I also never really got it much as an epithet growing up though, people always seemed perfectly willing to just lob "fag" around.

Ducks killed my entire family, you contemptible cranky sue!

There has never been a more incorrect statement.