
Looks amazing. The faux playing with your buddies dialogue in these videos is always so embarrassing though.

You sure are spreading a lot of false information here. Once again, prove it.

Yeah, sharing actual useful information about a game is the same as those three examples. Hacking to pirate is bad but it also can become a useful tool which is why plenty of companies use this sort of info to improve their games.

Ah yes. Even more blow-out-of-proportion-ism with just a dash of White Knight.

I may have made that point, but perhaps a little poorly; I agree that the US is in a unique position. It’s also why I think Americans can be a bit overbearing when they apply issues of race etc, to nations much older than their own. Then again, Americans trying the new path, experimenting with a better fairer way

Comments section: “We still think he’s prejudiced and a racist. Now everyone, let’s make fun of his looks and face and say terrible things based on his genetic features. Because that’s totally different.”

This is how you lose people on your side of the argument. Be hypocrites. If you disagree with him, disagree, but

So if you moved to Saudi Arabia, are you saying that you would not integrate?

If 60% of Japanese people were replaced by the Sami people of Finland, would it still be Japan?

What Americans I think fail to understand ( asusming you are American of course ),is that most nations are basically Ethno-states; and really

You sure showed him faceless person!

Who actually cares about this besides kotaku?

That terrain use almost looks like a glitch. I mean, awesome strategy, but the clipping makes it seem unintentional.

fanboys everywhere. You guys remind me of those anime nerds who said attack on titan was the best new anime ever. Its exactly like that. Its not that great. Calm the fuck down

7 matches a week is what, an hour and a half, two hours per week? If you play less than that, why do you care so much about your rank?

Too bad the combat in the game is nowhere near as exciting as this trailer. I found it slow and sleep-inducing.

Paragon is the perfect example of a game that has no clear art direction. It started as a sci-fi moba game and turn into an all-dress pizza of whatever character was “cool” at the time to put into their game.

I mean... its not like I expected much in the character design department there. Epic is not good at designing interesting heros.

Not even remotely a part of the scene for this or Overwatch, but this sure does look like an attempt to ride D.Va’s coat tails.

Or maybe you were just really lucky. I don’t buy boxes at all and I get legendaries at a decent rate.

He’s a high damage dealer, bullet sponge, with close and long range attacks with the ability to heal himself. That along make RH a bullshit character, but then they threw in the hook, which is so very clearly fucking broken.

Couldn’t agree more. People seem to forget that this is an all-stars tournament mixed with content creators and pros, whereas South Korea voted in an all godlike pro composition.