
That’s not how it works. You gain and lose SR based on your hidden MMR. If your MMR is high you gain more SR than you lose, if you MMR is low you lose more SR than you gain.

Well, I’m just gonna assume he backed them on Kickstarter with a whooping 3375£ to get his voice in. Hope he gets a refund.

Robot, monster, military man and kpop girl. One of them doesn’t fit with the others in an action game, can you guess who?

I feel like this would fit much better as a skin, and not an actual character. So out of place.

I opened a total of 15~ boxes, got 4 legendaries, 5 epics, 2 highlight intros and 1 emote. What part of random is so hard to understand?

Couldn’t agree more. People seem to forget that this is an all-stars tournament mixed with content creators and pros, whereas South Korea voted in an all godlike pro composition.

It’s easy to look good when you edit the gameplay, it’s easy to tell that a lot of the clips of people calling him out on a “bad” hero, are not from the same match where he shows the good gameplay of said hero.

You get points at the end of the season, the amount depends on which rating you finish on.

Lmao, that must be the worst comparison I’ve ever seen. Chess is also a turn based strategy game, where no “mechanics” are involved, just pure thinking. If you compare a board game with an FPS game, you’re fucking nuts.

The game mode that’ll be played in competitive is way too one dimensional which leaves no room for strategy, basic characters with low skill ceiling, unlimited ammo and really hard to follow while spectating.

How is competitive Overwatch any better lmao.

Just gonna presume you’ve never watched any competitive matches in CS:GO, nor TF2.

I mean, you need to handle spray patterns and recoil, you have a limited economy to buy weapons, armour and granades. Theres a lot more strategic choices you can do on their maps, compared to payload on Overwatch. Overwatch is really just a dumbed down version of Quake and TF2, and is a lot more casual than CS:GO, and

Not so hard to go 7-0 in a wildcard region :^)