You’re burying the lede. That ridiculous James Rodriguez dive is way more interesting.
You’re burying the lede. That ridiculous James Rodriguez dive is way more interesting.
So instead you just spend your workday here, telling strangers how much you resent working parents.
This is gross. You’re against hockey fights, but when a guy gets mollywhomped and has to go straight to the locker room to deal with the after effects that’s worth celebrating?
This post should be filed to: “FireGarPax”
“I’ve not had In-N-Out, but with all sincerity, how good could it possibly be?”
He didn’t back off, he was backed off by a team staffer. That suggests for whatever reason he either forgot about the rule or was willing to break it.
Oh please. Cubs fans have felt that way about Dusty ever since 2004, and it continued through his time with the Reds. It has nothing to do with winning last year. And for what it’s worth, the feeling is mutual. He loathes Chicago and makes no attempt to hide it.
Right? It’s like basically saying: “We’re so self-involved as soccer fans, we temporarily forget about all of the real and legitimate injustices we were just protesting.”
You really shouldn’t throw bricks at little children. I don’t care if they’re playing soccer, there are still better ways to handle that.
“Fuck that the World Cup was literally the last thing that brought the country together, more or less, behind the same cause....”
You’re also forgetting the best (worst?) part: In rebuild mode, sitting on one of the best trade assets around, somehow they still had to throw in their own mid-first round pick in order to get the Wolves’ pick; and having done that, they essentially lit another pick on fire by picking Jordan Bell and sending him to…
No. The idea that they had to include their own first rounder to get a first rounder back for Jimmy is ridiculous.
Technically, MJ and Scottie were still Bulls within the last 20 years. So . . .
The answer is clearly Sammy Sosa. He hit 66 in ‘98, and followed that up with two other 60+ seasons just to show it was no fluke. 66 > 61, so he beats Maris. 66 > 60, so he beats Ruth too.
100% with you in spirit. But here’s the problem though: The NRA didn’t buy Paul Ryan with $6,000 in donations. That didn’t buy any of these people, and none of them are scared that their re-election campaigns would lose a few grand if they crossed the NRA.
“This, of course, is a canard. Constitutions aren’t ordained by a god in heaven. They are political documents and should be allowed to reflect political realities on the ground.”
The article seems to imply that he was fired for evading the spending limit. There’s no way that’s it. Lots of teams have followed that exact strategy since the limits were put in place, with no firings or investigations. Look at the Cubs/Theo Epstein for example. Or the Dodgers, NYY, and several others.
This is not a problem of journalism, it’s a problem of our legal system. The law allows prosecutors to seek those terms, and gives Judges discretion on whether to grant them. Prosecutors use that (and generally speaking the practice of multiplicitous charging) as leverage to coerce cooperation. When they do not…
Hell, I speak fluent German and on my first read I thought you’d had a seizure.
“[W]hich meant no more time laboring at the sink, hand-washing 90 separate Dr. Brown’s bottle parts and leaving them soaking on a dishtowel to dry.”