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Barry White was still hot in dance clubs in Europe in the mid 80s.

I suspect it is one of the love-makingest albums of its time. Not to over share or anything.

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I listened to Al and these guys around the same time. Yeah, baby.

You're a bad, bad (wo)man.

I am such a HUGE fan, I cannot pick one. Veronica is high if I were forced to make a list. Very high. This one, though, sums my feels about people who act just so fg mean or cynical. Just dragging everyone down. It's at least top five for me, maybe top one. Elvis is a god.

Do you thin he would date Gaga if she wore her meat dress. They'd make quite the couple.

"Tonight We're Invincible,". Yeah, I needed to hear that. Another Snowstorm is inching north, and I am in its path. Sigh. Great song. Amazing red suit. Bloody Hell!!!

YES. And it must be played loudly. And maybe wear a safety helmet. Maybe.

My faith in the future of humanity is renewed. The world of Zeppelin will continue. These kids are pure awesome.

Great song. He really makes me laugh, in a good wayang not so good. Dude was a Freak.

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For some reason, apropos of nothing, this Super Freak came came to mind.

Cleveland if I recall? Not for love or money. Nope. Nope. Nope. I'll take the humidity cold or hot.

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If you have a few minutes, this is a Souuuul Train performance with a Don C. Intro. Sly and the Fam. My first concert in Purti Rico. I was a baby.

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Old school right back at you. Coming down hard from a long work day. Just a cool cure. Thanks Luv.

Great song. I feel the pain. The biting, freezing winter rain. Snow. Even a little is too much. If I wanted that, I'd move north. Ranting.

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More f'g snow and freezing temps. I'm so done. So done.

kinda like a garage band. They used to come to NOLA a lot in the 90s. Really nice guys.

I am living in bf rural TN. About halfway between Bash and Memphis. Culture shock is a daily part of my life although I've been here ten years. Not much longer. The countdown is on.