
" with minimal drag so as not to affect your gas mileage"

I'll bring the perpetual motion machine.

Let me get my gas tank magnets h/o.

HEY!! you could make a label out of this.

Star Trek: Khan the Remix. Bigger, longer, oppositer.

What REALLY happens when men take a testosterone supplement
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Will this count, since the original ending of I Am Legend had a better, more hopeful outcome, before the studios interfered?

I run into this problem a lot, as you can imagine.

Who decides who is worthy and who is not? Using names from defunct mythologies and works of fiction is a bit more objective and harder to politicize.

Pluto was never a planet. It was misclassified as a planet.

Now playing

By season 4, the thing I most looked forward to in True Blood was the intro:

SGA always knew how to create a snowflake:

Why the obsession with that guy? He shows up, says 1 line in a completely unremarkable voice, wears a pretty dumb get up and dies in the absolutely dumbest way possible. I honestly don't get it.

Ummm, the Shawarma scenes was post Avengers, not IM3.

I think just the fact that "Vader" means "father" in German is pretty compelling evidence that Lucas intended for him to be Luke's dad from the start.

With only two surviving Jedi and two Sith, doesn't that make the Force "balanced"?

There was a pretty involved fan theory floating around before Doctor Who's "The Angels Take Manhattan" aired, that Rory was actually somehow either the Master or the Master's son by Lucy Saxon. The episode would then have revealed Rory's Time Lord heritage and had something happen to Amy, something that Rory would

I was hoping for Tilda Swinton.

The one where Benedict Cumberbatch is NOT Khan.