Abigail Thorn, the actress and YouTuber behind the popular Philosophy Tube account, came out as a trans woman today.
Abigail Thorn, the actress and YouTuber behind the popular Philosophy Tube account, came out as a trans woman today.
19.5 is tops for what I’ve ever got in my 14 v6 grand cherokee. The computer regularly says 22, but math has only broken 21 for 2 tanks in 45k miles. 19.5 in an 05 is nothing to complain about.
I can’t even begin to say how much this pisses me off. This could easily be us. We could do this. The United States is supposed to be the greatest country on earth, with the most technological knowhow and the best tech, workers and brains but when it comes to transit and energy, well gosh, that’s just too big a…
Here it is, the “it’s just a phase, she’s too young to possibly know” opinion.
Send an electric shock through Donald John Trump.
Tesla is indeed here to stay. But I doubt our electric grid can keep up with the adoption of electric cars in the long run. Here in Southern California we can’t even keep the power on on a windy day. We have rolling blackouts during peak demand periods and the cost of our electricity is one of the highest in the…
Why are so many cats in her garage? If they are indoor cats, why do they need to be able to get in the garage? You’d think backing over the first one would stop you letting them in there.
For 90+% of the money: Introduce myself to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and get their advice on the logistics of getting the most bang for your buck from charitable donations. A key point would be how to do this with minimal involvement from me (I’m sure there are people in the world who’re much better at this than…
So I was driving my car that was 18 months out of inspection, because it required $2000 worth of minor repairs and I didn’t have that kind of money. I suppose it was inevitable that I would finally be discovered. I was pulling up into the left turn lane at an intersection when a cop turned right and saw me. I…
Not too wild or anything, but my friend in high school had a 1985 Mercedes 300D, and we got the urge to see how fast you needed to be going, in order to get all 4 wheels off the ground while cresting a steep hill. We had to be going about 85, no small feat on back roads in that tank. The car was involved in other…
I saw an ad for something stupid recently that bragged that their product was a “Class 1 Medical Device”, implying that this label meant it was an effective piece of equipment for what they claimed.
Did you guys hear that there is a pandemic going on? I know, apparently it’s been in all the papers. I’m not the…
Hola kitty cats! I’m digging my new life in the mountains of Panama. My decision to retire was a good one for many reasons, just one of which is that a racist, conspiracy theory spreading mask-denier in my old office/cube farm might have infected everyone in the office with Covid; he came to work defiantly maskless…
How about we meet in the middle and they can send the 4th set of whiskey stones they were going to get me to the charity of my choice?
GM is probably partnering with some big, nameless insurance company that you and I probably never heard. They split the risk, but also the rewards.
There’s still a market for pipe fitters. maintenance on current steam systems in existing power facilities, building out steam systems/fire suppression systems for current/future construction projects.
Happy Halloween! Low key celebrations here. No trick or treating or group kids party like we normally do. Instead we had a very small family costume party at my parents. The tiny human was over the moon to see them & her cousins. So much better IMO as I worry when we’ll be able too see everyone again. Photos tonight…