
Rex failed not because he was too human to be a great coach, he failed because in essence he was a fat fucking fraud. A guy who talked a bunch of shit in the offseason then coached terribly during it, a guy who talked about being bold yet punted in OT on the 40 with his season on the line, a guy who relentlessly

Actually Trump’s voters were on average pretty well off. It’s more accurate to say working class voters didn’t really turn out for Clinton like they did for Obama and Bill Clinton - Democratic policies hardly do anything for a lot of them so it takes a transcendentally charismatic candidate to win them over, and


for working class white people, the ones who elected him

Americans tend to think that when someone doesn’t agree with them that they should lose their freedom of speech (yes I realize that this is a private forum, but you said “in public”). This problem is endemic in both sides, but seems to show up in more extreme forms in SJW liberalism. (Say what you want about

He’s a billionaire a few times over and now going to be the President of our country for the next four years. Egomaniacal, perhaps, but he’s not stupid.

Yup, 43. practically a codger.

Holy shit shut the fuck up

Well Mormons were absolved of all of their possessions and forced to move to an area previously though uninhabitable yet with in 150 years became one of the wealthiest groups of people in the nation but that’s much different I imagine.

What a bunch of racist shit. Whats the matter, run out of things to say about Trump? You’re a racist asshole and as of now, I no longer read this drivel.

Your comment is typical progressive horseshit. You come in with insults to make your point. My point isn’t about racial equality, it’s about the sensational race baiting shit Deadspin posts. I’m not condoning what the people on WSJ said, pal.

Go back under your rock.

Thats a stretch. Are you talking about the fact that it’s white washed?

I’m black, and even I can admit that “rap culture” is devastating to our children, our environment, and is contributing to the viscous cycle that has become african american culture.

It’s a goddamned shame this is what deadspin has become. This use to be a pretty cool place to come and read about sports, but ever since Gawker got its ass (rightfully) kicked in court, its writers have been dispersed to other sites including, unfortunately, deadspin. So now I have to read some cunt named Ashley

So do you disagree with the premise that broken homes produce children who gravitate away from school and work, and towards more criminal activity? Because the color of the skin doesn’t matter. This is a real thing.

Shh, don’t tell my wife. Our 20 year anniversary is coming up.

Meanwhile, a hate crime against a mentally disabled white guy was committed in Chicago and Deadspin writes nothing.... I see you guys really took the MTV “White Guys Resolutions” to heart.

Breakdown of the family unit really actually is a problem. No father in the picture means that mom struggles and the kids suffer. 5 kids from 4 dads is not in any way going to help the situation. I don’t have the answer, but I can point to one symptom of the problem that is easily fixed.

Thank you for this prompt reminder of a 6 year old story.