
Glad to see this guy finally get knocked out, he was always such a dirty fighter. I’ve been waiting for years watching all his terrible fights, if you can call them that, just him holding and fouling. Was worth the wait. Hopefully Floyd comes out of retirement soon so he will be also be to old to

I have fact checked the Gingrich story. As it turns out, although his wife had had cancer (for which she needed both chemo and surgery) she had actually recovered from the cancer and was simply having surgery on an additional, but benign, tumor that had been discovered when Gingrich visited her in the hospital to

He’s the most powerful man in the world. He can live where he wants to.

Probably still bigger than yours.

Son of a bitch, now my keyboard is all messed up and gooey.

Because gang rape is rare, while black athletes almost ALWAYS do this because to them it’s not only about power it’s about making the (white) victim look like a whore. Then inevitably she becomes “that white bitch” when they get charged.

Ask yourself why the overwhelming majority of sexual assaults and crime over the past few decades are in only 2 sports at the college and pro level: basketball and football, NOT baseball, soccer or hockey. And it’s ALWAYS gang rape, where the victim is a white female.

Can you imagine how much bigger deal everyone would be making about this if any of these kids (or men rather) was white?

Someone said (not me) that he says 11 kids because that is how high he can count.

Tolerance and inclusion only when they agree.

The raging from the left continues, spewing their hate on every page they can get a hold of...

So much for tolerance and inclusion form the left, huh?

They are entities that elected Trump president? Keep ignoring them!!

This is the only legit reason to be pissed.

I actually did this as a stupid 20 something, except I sat there so long I ran out of gas and woke up to morning “traffic” (i.e. tomato trucks) rolling around me like I wasn’t there. That was a shitty,shitty walk. 

Oh just fuck off.

The religion of peace strikes again

Engbirk, 29, told Jalopnik. “A wealthy area.” A church in the vicinity was bombed during World War II, she said.

Wishful thinking....but sadly it is. You can thank Merkel.