
Yeah, $421,350 is too rich for my blood. Maybe I’ll wait ‘til next fall, when the 2018s start rolling in, and I can pick up a 2017 off the lot for a flat $400k

I.... I agree..

Jose’s girlfriend was pregnant when he died. Hopefully, the kid has a nice trust fund.

I don’t think they determined who was driving.

Well, his alcohol level was 0.147 and it was his he was ultimately responsible, unfortunately

You can think it’s a tragic thing that he died and still think that it’s fucking stupid to go out boating drunk and high. I’m far from a perfect person but I’ve never driven or operated any vehicle under the influence, because I’m not stupid and reckless.

Like I said, I have zero sympathy for people who choose to drink/do drugs and then die doing something incredibly stupid like driving or operating a boat. It is such a selfish act.

Honestly if this was just a normal person everyone would be saying wow fuck that asshole. But because he’s an athlete/celebrity he gets a pass by most people. Sorry but I have zero sympathy for anyone killed like this, who chooses to drink/do drugs and then drive/operate a boat etc.

Let’s not forget this guy was drunk and high on coke when he crashed killing himself and others.

They should have brought out George Lopez to do a Tony Montana impression in honor of Jose.

lol, one is much much worse than the other.

Meh I don’t know the dude is a ripped athlete. I’ve had multiple (usually drunk) women hit me and never felt the need to knock one the fuck out. If he grabbed her arms or something to keep her from hitting him whatever I could get behind him, but come on. Short of her brandishing a weapon that reaction was way

How was she being racist. If she was, I’m sure Jordan would have gleefully pointed that out.

Gotta lay off of the white women guys. Nothing but trouble.

As a 150lb dude, nobody would blink twice if this guy knocked me the hell out after I hit him first. Despite his response still being “disproportionate” and despite him being “much bigger and stronger”.

Why did she hit him? Who started it?

I am 100% certain that was not his first time striking a female.


as well it should. It is truly defenseless.

It would be better to spray them with paint, some sort of foul-smelling liquid or even just a ton of water! Or leave a package full of dog shit out for someone to grab.